Tag Archives: friends rock

Being grateful

I believe it is important to notice the good stuff that happens lest you take it for granted. So here I go.

Angela–you have become a wonderful mom and I am grateful you are in my life. Thank you for bringing me a present.
Miss Jenny–thank you for remembering my birthday and restating my status as the Princess. I’m grateful.
Miss Sara–thank you for remembering my birthday and giving me permission to be demanding. I have a hard time thinking it is ok.
Noah–thank you for going to bed early with me and tolerating my mood swings.
Spot–thank you for trying so hard to be considerate of me and the attention you have been giving has been great.
Deborah and Anthony–thank you for including me in your important day. I appreciated it far more than you know.

That’s just a little bit of the goodness in my life in the past week. Yay.

Have I mentioned that I’m tired? But after last night I know that 8:30 is a wee bit too early to go to sleep.

Happy thoughts

As I was walking to my car after my therapy session today I listed to a conversation about the removal of “planet” status from Pluto between three guys doing landscaping. This made me ridiculously happy. They were talking about who has the right to decide status about different things and then it lead to some pretty insightful comments about government. As a teacher I was so happy I was wiggling. They were so thinking critically. 🙂

And then my brjulia called me!! YAY! I loves my Julia.

So today can’t be bad. It just isn’t allowed to be.


I was told that I should take advantage of this forced alone time to build my individuation or some crap like that. Yeah, whatever. 😉

Yesterday was freaking busy!! I went over to blacksheep_lj‘s house and helped her and her husband load the truck. I uhhh kind of started assuming dominant pack position and bossed them and the two teenagers who were also there around. Thankfully I don’t think I pissed anyone off and we got a lot done. 🙂 Then I came home and spent a little more time than I should have before I convinced myself to head down to my school to do some work on my classroom. Right now it is completely clean and tidy, but I don’t have everything in the room I need to have. I need to go to Target and Raft (a special teacher store) and get some more stuff. This is where teaching is expensive. Oy. While I was cleaning my room I talked to a friend about the party happening at the Citadel and I asked him to tell me if I should go or not and he told me not to. It certainly turned out all for the best so–thank you.

After the room maintanence I was feeling very anxious and disconnected so I went over to a housewarming I didn’t think I would make it to. I got to flirt heavily with some super hot people. I officially established a long held suspicion about them. 🙂 It makes me very happy. I… uhhh… think I will probably take them up on it at some point when my life is calm and stable and I’m not likely to end up being psycho at them just because I’m stressed out. (I love you both too much to want to subject you to my behavior while super stressed.) While I was there another friend called and told me about the womens party happening at Edges–which is the bdsm space in the south bay. So I ran off to that hoping to play with some hot dykes. Unfortunately no hot sex or play happened, but I did spend hours entwined around a gorgeous girly and I got to talk to people I haven’t spent much time with in a long time. It was really great. I didn’t leave until 1:30 and then I got to glory in the fact that Edges is less than 15 minutes away from my house, unlike the hour drive home from the city. Rock on.

Today I have therapy, two going away parties, and probably some house cleaning thrown in for good measure. Oh, I also hope to do Target and Raft runs. Tomorrow: special time with one of the people I value most in my life. It’ll be good. And Monday I start work and my Noah comes home! I think I am being successfully individuated. 😛

(Although–I’m beginning to think that my “I can’t sleep when I am alone” thing is caused more by my belief than by actual circumstance. I need some sleep desperately.)


I was looking at my archive and wondered what I posted four times in one day a while back and came across http://rightkindofme.livejournal.com/253208.html so I reread the responses.

There are a few of you out there… Dear god ya’ll are HOT. Must go… uhm… yeah. That.

(If anyone wants me to remind you what you said… I’ll respond to your comment so it gets sent back to you.)

I love my Debbie

She talks at about 300 words per minute. She often moves at the same basic speed. And when she is busy talking in a bizarre mix of Chinese (Mandarin) and English it is even more spastic.

She is one of my oldest and dearest friends. She is wonderful. A bigger pain in the ass I have never met–she outstrips japlady any day of the week and twice on Sunday for driving me crazy. It’s great. And she blows through town once or twice a year and expects me to drop any and everything I am doing to see her, and I always do.

Right now she is deciding which of my boys she is going to borrow tonight. I think she is the only female I have ever met who is on par for my sexual voracity and openness. We compare numbers and lists of boys the way some of my friends compare book titles. It’s fun. I have given her dozens of recommendations on each boy. We are waiting until they get home before she actually decides which she is going to borrow tonight. How often does one get to do something like this? Hell, I’m secretly hoping we find out the capacity of our bed. She’s a lot of fun. 🙂

Edit about 20 minutes later: more reason to love Debbie.

“You know what? Why bother picking one? Why don’t we all just swing?”


A quick babble

I had a lovely weekend. I got to spend some time with multiple really awesome people. Snuggly time. Time walking and talking with a really terrific girl. Time driving around admiring houses with another spiffy girl. Lots and lots of Noah time–not enough, but that is the state of my life right now.

This weekend it was pointed out to me that my level of social connectedness is highly unusual. What a strange thought. Me? Have lots of friends? Whatever happened to the prophesy that no one would ever like me because I am such an awful person? Guess mom was wrong again. 🙂

I’m looking at a beautiful bouquet of roses. I’m glancing around my messy living room and deciding how I want to clean it today. How I want to paint it next month. What I think it will look like in 5 years.

I am so very happy.

{therapy} Shrink visit and cathartic play

Yesterday I went to see my therapist and she opened with, “I want to give you the quick and dirty answer to whether I will see your mom first: no. Now let me explain…” We talked about how she wouldn’t exactly be fair with my mom so there isn’t much point in having the session happen. That made me happy. This conversation actually took a little bit. 🙂 Then I said: “I’ve had an eventful two weeks! I found out that my step-mother died and that no one thought I would care so they didn’t tell me. I called my mom for the first time in six months and drama ensued. I had an enormously stressful trip to Chicago which included some huge triggering things and a blow up at the end and such fucked up travel that we left a day late and almost returned a day late. My car blew up. My apartment flooded.” Her response? “Wow. You’ve been busy.” Smartass.

We spent a while talking about the situation with japlady‘s dad. Whether she wants to admit it or not he has a condecending tone of voice and that is hard for me to swallow ever let alone when I haven’t slept well in days, haven’t eaten a meal that agrees with me in days, have been in majorly stressful situations over and over for days, and just generally am away from home so I feel kind of off-balance. In talking about my reaction to him we couldn’t come up with anyone he reminds me of exactly. Yes, the situation japlady lives with is similar to what my father would have been willing to do me but it never actually happened so I don’t know if that is much of it. I know that I hate how he treats her and I hold a lot of anger towards him for that reason. (Yes, japlady doesn’t believe the anger is warranted–but when has that stopped me?) It is huge and complicated and messy. We also got around to the part that the only thing I really dislike about japlady is the name dropping and her father does it more/worse than she does. So I probably resented not only that he was doing it but that he fostered this habit in someone I otherwise think is so totally terrific. I don’t have full resolution on this issue yet in my head so I am going to keep thinking on it. I feel like the conclusions I have reached so far are very superficial and I am not confident that I have hit the meat of the matter.

Then we move on to last night. I played with a good friend on Wednesday knowing that I was going to be playing with her again last night. She has recently gone through a really bad breakup and I have been aware that she is really hurting emotionally. I also know that she is a very heavy masochist. I don’t know how or why I decided to be arrogant enough to try and help her process through some of her stuff, but I did. On Wednesday I tried to take her down hard and fast and get her to cry in a gut wrenching sort of way and it worked. I tested the waters to see how much anger would come up when I started hurting her like that. Oh, I did it by punching her. Punching is a very primal and overwhelming sort of way to be hurt, and I hit rather hard. When she started getting to a really angry place on Wednesday I kept up my litany of telling her that she is a good girl, but other than that I didn’t really get into a dialogue about what was coming up for her. Last night I did. Before we started playing I told her that I was going to be asking her why I was beating her and the answer I wanted her to give is: “Because I’m a good girl.” I gave her a little bit of a warm up with spanking and light punching before switching to canes. Not very far into the scene I asked her why I was doing it and she couldn’t tell me that she was a good girl. She started getting into negative self-talk repeating things that were said to her during her horrible break up. Things about her being bad. I stopped hitting her. I turned her around and held her face up close to mine and told her that I would not hit her again if she believed that I was doing it because she was bad. I told her I would never ever reinforce that idea in her brain. It took a little more talking but eventually she started to be able to say that she was good and I resumed the scene. We went back and forth talking as I beat the living crap out of her about how the negative things he told her were wrong. That she is good and deserving. She was very upset and screamed out a lot of her rage and pain generating from how she was treated. After a while I started ramping up harder and harder. I am not a weak girl and I was hitting her just about as hard as I am capable. Towards the end she was Not Having Fun anymore and that was my goal. I told her that I wanted her to tell me to stop. That I want her to have the power to say that when she isn’t enjoying it anymore that it needs to end. At first she resisted and said she couldn’t but after a few more minutes she finally could ask me to stop.

I spent almost as much time crying during this scene as she did. It was tremendously difficult to do, but I feel very good about having done it. After I stopped beating her I pulled her to the ground and started telling her again how much I love her. I asked some of her women friends to join me in telling her so and how strong she is.

I think that a good way to understand just how far I pushed her was encapsulated when Spot said later, “Everything I have read has said you don’t do that.” Yeah. SM play is a very scary beast. When you are experiencing as much physical pain as she was in you are opening up your mind and spirit to be receptive to things that normally just aren’t available to you. It is very rare that I play that heavily and I would only attempt a scene where I knew I was working towards such catharsis with someone I have known as long and as well as I have known this person. If I had not spent so many years seeing how her relationship worked and knowing the kind of self-talk she does I wouldn’t have done this. But I do feel ok with the fact that I did this with her. I actually feel really good about it.

Honey–I love you. Thank you for opening yourself to me this way. I hope I get to continue to know you for a very long time.

And thank you to the girl who stretched herself sooooo much by being there and participating to the level you did. I know how hard it was for you and I have only love and admiration for your courage and strength and giving heart. Thank you.

Fake it until you make it.

Today I have hope. Today I have a positive attitude. Today I am cheerful.

I’m honest enough with myself that I know that a bunch of my upswing is because of something I was told last night. Yay for not just casual. But I also think that the words of my friends are kind of sinking in. I’m getting really wonderful advice and support and I appreciate it more than I can express in words. I’m trying to keep my chin up and figure out what to do and right now I feel like maybe I will be able to figure out what I need to do.

Thank you.

If you try sometime

You just might find you get what you need.

What do I need?

I need to be loved and appreciated for all the various contradictions that make up me. I need to be encouraged to feel no shame for the thoughts, desires, and actions in my life. I need to be loved for my voracious and overwhelming appetites. I need to be allowed to go off and come back and have safety in knowing that there will be a place/person to come back to. I need to not be told that my behavior is ok when it is directed at someone else and not ok when it is directed at you. I need to be listened to and spoken to. I need to be allowed to make mistakes without being told that I am bad for them. I need hugs and kisses without expectation that I have to put out. I need to be asked to put out. I need for it to be understood that it hurts me deeply that I essentially don’t have a bio family, and sometimes I can’t listen to suggestions about how I should fix the situation–there isn’t an easy way to fix it and saying there is demeans me and how much I have struggled to come to terms with my family.

I … I need love. I need to be valued.

I need to thank God for giving me what I need. I am so very grateful for my life and the people in it. I think I am the luckiest girl ever. I have been found.

Revisiting an old meme

Because this amused me…

Number of people on my lj friends list: 133

…whom I’ve met in person: 129

…whom I’ve met in person more than once: 126

…whose house I’ve been to: 71

…who have been to my house: 54 (and many of these people it has not been in 8+ years)

…whose full names I know offhand: (I’m just doing first and last) 42

…whom I’ve known for more than 3 years: 30

…whom I’ve known for more than 5 years: 12

…whom I’ve known for more than 7 years: 6

…whom I’ve known for more than 9 years: 6

…whose journal I consider myself “addicted” to: I get upset when brjulia doesn’t post for a long time. Well, not upset… but I miss her. Other than that I read my whole friends list, but I’m not addicted…

…whom I’ve lived with: 3 (I will be living with another one in about 7 months…)

…who I’d do: heh who haven’t I done… 😉 Kidding! There are lots of nice normal people whom I haven’t slept with. Being on my friends list isn’t incriminating… although… there are 19 specific people whom I would really really like to do on my friendslist. Many of whom would be repeats or expanding on previously played somewhat.

I need to go to bed and wank now.

I don’t wanna

I don’t wanna go home. I don’t wanna not see my friends up here for a long time. I don’t wanna miss the connection I have with some truly amazing women. I don’t wanna go a while without having bruises so big I can’t cover them with my hands. I don’t wanna go another couple of years without getting to really delve into the depths of my mind. I don’t wanna lose me and I had me this weekend.

I don’t know if I am going to be coherent or not, but I have another hour until my flight and I want to babble and no one is required to read this so I can babble all I want. 😛

Just life

Friday was way fun. 🙂 7 people showed up and that was a fairly good crowd for my house. The conversation was loads of fun. I ended up reading lesbian pr0n to people and that was hot. 🙂 I have left over corned beef. My overnight guest was really sweet too. Google boy did my dishes before and after the party because I can’t put my hand in standing dirty water yet. In the morning, I didn’t even ask him to! When I jumped in the shower he started picking up breakfast dishes and washed everything. Ok, that was just awesome.

Oh, we found out the maximum weight capacity for my bed and I need to go buy a drill and screws today to fix it. 🙂

Yesterday involved good therapy and a very odd time with the film maker guy. Not sure if he is going to get any more time. He alternates between being very interesting and being kind of spastic and weird–and not in happy ways. Hm. But the almost-surprise birthday party last night was fun. 🙂 I like getting to be around people who are talking about many things even when I don’t agree with all of it. *cough*economicpolicy*cough*

Today we’ll see if anyone shows up. I need to run out and buy a drill in order to repair my bed frame. We discovered the maximum weight capacity. Ha. Go Ikea construction. It’s fixable though. I just need to do it… Have I mentioned that I really don’t feel like getting up and dressed?

oh yeah!

I didn’t say how much my happiness is also a result of just being happy with my life. I have great friends who give me wonderful support. It was on my mind today kind of generally and I was thinking about how I don’t acknowledge the greatness of my friends enough.

I am touched and honored by the wonderfulness of the people in my life. Thank you for sharing yourselves with me. Thank you for the phone calls yesterday and the emails and the comments. I really appreciate the support.