Tag Archives: future

Dreaming about the future

Noah and I have been having conversations that are simultaneously terrifying and very exciting. Contemplating how different my life will be in a year no matter what means that thinking about adding on a huge additional change is… nervous making.

What in my life is going to actually last through the baby transition? How many of my “friends” are people I barely speak to now but they will disappear completely when I am kid-enabled? How many of the gatherings I attend will I be able to attend in a year? In three years? I noticed recently that even though an event I went to would be nominally ok with my kidlets attending, I wouldn’t want my kids there past about two because my kids don’t need to hear graphic conversations about anyone’s sex life. It really isn’t that I all of a sudden disapprove of people talking about their sex lives–more that I am thinking about context and who needs to hear that conversation. I wouldn’t be ok with demanding that my peeps all of a sudden sensor everything they want to say when my children walk into the room, but that means I have to self select out. What will be left?

Any and all poly/kink gatherings are going to be absolutely completely and totally inappropriate. Which also includes parties thrown by people I know through those communities and that seriously cuts back on the number of people I know in general. I’m not really involved in Dickens or Faire and I can’t picture that involvement ever becoming serious. I can’t go alone (no ditching Noah with the kids), I think dragging the kids along would be a nightmare by myself for the first five years or so and he doesn’t want to go so that’s not an option. Noah has uhm strong feelings about the dance community so I will never again be heavily involved in that. I’m not going to bother to go through why I won’t be heavily involved in the Burner community. What am I left with? A few individual people. Oh wait, and some of those individual people are not real into kids so they won’t want to spend time with me anyway. Right. Ok, let’s narrow down the few individual pro-kid friends I have. Busy, busier, and OMG busy. I am not procreating in a pro-kid peer group so this is going to be interesting. Some of the pro-kid people I know are thinking about moving away. That’s going to narrow the focus even more.

I know people who hand off the children so they can go have social lives. I have no intention of being one of them. Well, I’m sure I will hire a babysitter once in a while–but I intend for this to be pretty rare.

It’s just all so much to think about.

{insecurity} Tired

An idea was tossed out last night which I am going to be right about in the long run. Not a terrible thing.

Lately I have been having the sleep schedule from hell. I wake up at 6am which means I need to go to bed fairly early. And seeing as I am married to a conversation studmuffin (I wish I had a link handy to the comic, but I suck.) this means I need to head to bed even before I need to fall asleep. The goal was to have time for sex as well but I’m lame and exhausted most of the time. 🙁 I am getting awesome snuggles though.

I’m feeling drained and beaten down even though I am generally happy. I feel like I don’t have the storehouses of energy reserves that allow me to handle any extra stress. So I cancelled working at the Folsom Fringe event because I am just too fucking tired. We are cancelling this weekends Disneyland trip mainly for financial reasons (and hey–we’re going in December), but honestly I feel so much relief that I won’t have to deal with it energy wise. I miss my friends but I feel too tired to do anything. Don’t get me wrong–I love my life. I really love my job and the mellowness that is happening with Noah is great. I just feel pretty sharply the difference in how social I used to be. I’m used to lots of social contact and playing and seeing people and I’m having trouble adjusting.

I probably could do more than I do, I just feel… drained. Being anti-social seems necessary for the forseeable future. I need to get a bit further ahead in lesson planning. I need to find a rhythm for grading papers that allows me to get it done and doesn’t stress me out. I need to figure out a system for getting chores done. I need to get my house to a level where I don’t feel anxious about it. So many needs. I wonder when I can get back to wants.

I don’t wanna

I don’t wanna go home. I don’t wanna not see my friends up here for a long time. I don’t wanna miss the connection I have with some truly amazing women. I don’t wanna go a while without having bruises so big I can’t cover them with my hands. I don’t wanna go another couple of years without getting to really delve into the depths of my mind. I don’t wanna lose me and I had me this weekend.

I don’t know if I am going to be coherent or not, but I have another hour until my flight and I want to babble and no one is required to read this so I can babble all I want. 😛