Tag Archives: health

HPV vaccine follow up

I got this as an email forward. I don’t know much about it and I can’t vouch for the veracity, but it is worth reading if you did the HPV vaccine.

There are thousands of young girls and women around the world who had the so-called ‘cervical cancer’ shots and got very sick. WE NEED TO HEAR THEIR STORIES. PLEASE HELP US BY SHARING THIS MESSAGE WITH YOUR NETWORKS INCLUDING (YOUNG) WOMEN AND GIRLS YOU KNOW.

FIRST: DID YOU HAVE A BAD REACTION after Gardasil or Cervarix injections (the so-called Cervical Cancer vaccines)?
* Did you get sick: seriously or just a bit; are you better now?
* Were you told about potential side effects?
* Do you now believe you won’t get cervical cancer?


Check PAGES for background info and submission details and e-mail your story to _gertrudegreen@hotmail.com

* If you are (or know) a journalist who has written critical stories about the vaccines, please send then to us for the background pages;
* If you are (or know) a health practitioner and have seen girls and women suffering adverse effects after Gardasil (or Cervarix) injections, please write to us.
* Concerned parents: if you daughter doesn’t want to write – you can.


* With 11 deaths already allegedly linked to Gardasil (9 in the US and 2 in Europe) and thousands of adverse health reports, we hope that girls and women speaking out about their own experiences will help us pressuring health authorities to review the current mass experimentation on (young) women.
* It will not be known for at least another 10 to 20 years whether the anti-HPV vaccines will indeed lower the incidence of cervical cancer or whether they were a gigantic waste of (public) money and an extraordinary money raiser for the pharmaceuticals involved (Merck, CSL, GlaxoSmithKline). Meanwhile lots of women will suffer. Send us their stories!


Renate Klein and Bonnie Bickel

*Recently published: Marti Kheel, /Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist

Perspective/. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008*.

They are all liars.

All those people who tell me that salad is good for me? Liars. Liars. Liars. When I eat salad my stomach hurts. I feel really hungry still even though there is no more room in my stomach for food matter. Salad = bad. Hate salad.

See picture? That is what I should eat. That doesn’t make my tummy hurt.


This morning my back hurts. Many mornings my back isn’t happy, but this morning it really hurts. As a result I want to be massively snippy and nasty. I think I am refraining, but I feel miserable. Sleeping is the main thing that makes my back hurt the most so it is negating a lot of the value of sleep.

However, given the list of potential pregnancy side effects:

Continue reading

Dear Lazyweb…

So Noah and I have been having conversations about nutrition a lot lately as what I put in my mouth became Way More Interesting about eight months ago (pre-Lizarding). Everyone keeps asking me if I am having cravings and I’m so not. Right now the best I can hope for is food that sounds vaguely ok–most food doesn’t. I’m having a lot of aversions though. Turkey is disgusting. Broccoli makes me gag. I can rarely eat meat and never in much quantity. Vegetables in general are just no fun to eat. What I find weird is that when we were buying skim milk I was drinking copious quantities–we switched to 1% out of some vague idea it would be better for me and I have stopped drinking milk because it doesn’t taste good. Eggs are usually really really disgusting.

So what I am seeking to understand, oh Lazyweb, is: am I having no cravings because I am overall nutritionally sound? This is Noah’s theory and I am not sure. Pre-pregnancy I was extremely good about eating a balanced diet, I’ve been on nutritional supplements for months and months. Am I just riding out the waves of nutrition stored in my system? Does nutrition work that way? If not, what can I possibly do to encourage my body to like nutritious food again? (McDonalds is easy to eat.)

It is worth pointing out that if I get didactic “You should…” with judgment sorts of comments I will probably delete them. I’m doing the best I can right now and I don’t need to be told I suck for doing the best I can.


Waking up at 3am to a massive stomachache as my body demands food is really annoying. It did allow me to notice how OHMYGOD booked this weekend is. I think I am invited to six events. I told some people no-way-in-hell and others maybe-depending-on-ugg. It’s a bit galling that I can’t give a single “Yes”. *sigh* I hit 11 weeks on Friday. I have an appointment with a midwife today at 3:30. So far she seems like a smart ass–yay! Maybe I’ll find out how many weeks gestated I actually am so I can judge when the first trimester might actually end. Stupid irregular cycle.

Have I mentioned that I find it very bizarre that my most concrete symptom of pregnancy is that I am developing ‘mom’ nipples? Cause I often have weird stomach pain/eating issues–that’s just part of the joy of me. My boobs have hurt like this in the past when they grew on birth control. Going 11 weeks without a period is unusual but I’ve certainly gone longer than this. Being exhausted happened last year at the beginning of the school year (ok, nothing like this… but still). Yeah, for symptoms it is the ‘mom’ nipples for the win on convincing. I miss my nipples and I will never get them back. 🙁

Noah is talking to my stomach more. It’s massively cute.

Ok, 1/2 a sandwich, a glass of oj, and a banana later it’s time to go back to bed. zzzzzzzzz


My head hurts so much that having my eyes open is painful. Noise sucks. My stomach hurts and I think I might puke. I woke up in the middle of the night because my head and neck hurt so much. That’s a very bad sign.

And I have comp & lit for 2 hours. This is my last lab day of the year with them. Please god, let the time move swiftly…

Random foodness

I’m still on the yogurt/granola/fruit in the morning kick. I’ve been eating it until I feel extremely full instead of my normal breakfast of enough to feel not hungry. Lately I have been going all day on about 1/2 my normal food/snack quantity. My weight is dropping a little (down to 163 which makes me happier than 168 did) and I’m not being super cranky all day. Granola bars later in the day have never helped like the morning stuff is helping–I wonder how much of that is because the granola bars I buy are loaded with sugar and cause a significant crash not long after eating them. Hm. There might be something to this balanced breakfast shit. 🙂

Now I just need to start exercising again and my mood might improve significantly.

It’s bad.

Some people are aware that I have back problems, but I generally try not to whine too much about the situation. Today I don’t want to whine, I want to lie on the floor and sob. It hurts. It hurts so much I keep seeing flashes of white light through my field of vision. I keep having low level spasms. My kids don’t really seem to notice and that is for the best.

But I notice. And I’m taking enough Ibuprofen to make my stomach hurt. Tonight, Vicodin even though it will make me want to throw up. That feeling is better than this pain.

Health sucks

I’ve had occasional really bad stomach pain for a little while now. I’ve tended to try to ignore the outbreaks and treat them as if, “Well that was random–well… it’s over now,” but unfortunately they have been working on worse, not going away. When I threw up on Sunday because of the immense pain I was in that was a clue to me that I needed to deal with it pretty quickly. I skipped work on Monday and went to see the doctor. Her initial thoughts are that it could be gallstones, pancreatitis, or ulcers. I got a bunch of blood drawn and peed in a cup. First they called to assure me that I am not pregnant. Then they called to say that most of the blood tests were back and within normal ranges. So today I went in for an ultrasound. It was enh. Not a particularly traumatic experience–for which I am grateful.

Oh, and I seem to have a herpes outbreak. My first one in…. yeah. Long long time. No more kissing people for me, at least for a while. I guess that with enough stress I can break the streak of not having an outbreak in more than thirteen years. 🙁

Oh, and before the vomiting session on Sunday I had more work done on my back. So I just have massive discomfort *everywhere*.