Tag Archives: invite

Avenue Q outing

http://www.shnsf.com/shows/show.asp?key=18&subkey=664 is a link that will hopefully work to direct you to the website. I would really like to see this show in SF and I’m hoping to arrange a group outing. Anyone have a date that works best? I would quite cheerfully buy a block of seats if people can commit to going…

August 7-September 2
Tue – Sat eves at 8pm
Wed, Sat and Sun mats at 2pm


So hey–Short List people!

Tonight my boys are off doing stuff and I don’t feel so hot. So I am hereby letting people know that I would be interested in spending some time with someone tonight. 🙂

Caveats: I’m sick. This is a strictly no hanky panky offer. I don’t really want to drive because: I’m sick.

So, anyone want to come pat me on the head and sit in the hot tub with me?

{dirty} event!

Noah and I are going to this event on Saturday. Our tickets allow us to bring one person for free who has never been to the event before. If you are interested you need to write me something dirty telling me why I should take you with us.

Comments screened. 🙂

(Oh for those who don’t like links so much: the event is Naughty. The theme is threesomes. Naughty is a way fun party, probably one of my favorites here in the bay area. A while ago I wrote this about it on tribe when someone asked how Naughty compares to Black Sheets:
“Naughty is never going to take the place of Black Sheets. The vibes are simply too different. Most of the BS people want to show up, get naked, and spend the whole time being more free love-ish. Naughty appreciates the ‘dirty’ part about sex in public. At BS I always felt like I was a free love sort of hippy chick just enjoying the “vibe.” At Naughty I got to be a nasty, filthy little slut who couldn’t control herself in public who will let some guy (ok I know him and think he is fucking hot and wonderful) tell me to go lick his girlfriend out because he wanted to watch. I just didn’t have that happen at BS…”

You know this sounds hot…)

A weekend (almost entirely) at home.

So I have to run out on Saturday for therapy and then a little bit of other stuff in parts north so Saturday isn’t part of this… (What a weird exception…)

But I will be spending this coming Friday and Sunday in my house. I’m NOT leaving. So I would like to invite people to drop by as they see fit. 🙂 Some notice of what day/time-ish to expect you would be awesome but I am going to be generally hanging around my house doing homework, watching movies, cooking, probably baking, and generally slacking from about 3pm on Friday until 10:30 am Saturday (feel free to spend the night). Then I run north for an undetermined period of time so I am just saying that you can show up whenever you like on Sunday cause I can promise that I will be awake before just about anyone on my friends list. 🙂 Ok, maybe James will be up at the same time–but I’ve been freakish lately about 6:30 and he usually sleeps at least a little more than that…

This post is not going to exist forever because it has personal data in it, but if you want this information in general consider this your opportunity to copy it into your address book. 🙂

5259 Camden Ave #69
San Jose, CA. 95124

Parking is a bit strange. There is lots of unmarked spaces in the back of the complex but then finding my apartment is complicated. If you are coming down Camden from 85 make a right on Merrill Ave. Take the… fourth or fifth driveway… it’s the last one into the big apartment complex. Follow the ugly chainlink fence down almost to the very end. Park in any of the unmarked spots. Then walk down the driveway thing (as straight as possible) until you run into a wall. Walk just a bit to the right and you should see a stairway. Walk up and the building you see across from you is mine. I’m down almost at the very end. Please feel free to call me and tell me that my directions suck ass and where the hell are you. 🙂


Is anything other than FNW happening on the 17th? I know I want to do a little bit of time in downtown Campbell but after that I don’t know what I want to do. I’m debating FNW, but I may actually just invite people over to my house for some revelry of our own.

Would that interest anyone?