Tag Archives: link

Cute cafepress baby stuff.

I post links here so that I don’t have to bookmark. I’m kinda dorky like that.


Much yay was had by all.

We had a very productive first part of the day yesterday. It was good. It included a trip up to El Sobrante to pick up our two cases of apple lambic. If you are an apple lambic fan I recommend checking out: www.thecellaronline.com

Then we went to a party! The hosts were some folks I have known in the scene for quite a while. I had a fabulous time. I got to reconnect with a lot of people I haven’t talked to much in years. I have this weird love/hate thing with the scene at this point. I love it because when I go hang out with people I have known for that long I feel extremely comfortable and secure. By golly those folks already like me or don’t like me and I don’t have a thing to prove. It’s a great feeling. But I also feel like many/most scene folk are too insular in that world and I’ve had a hard time with that for a long time. Like: dude, have more than one hobby. I’m certainly not in a place where I could be totally wrapped up in that world any year soon, but on Dore Alley weekend I like to stop and reflect. See, I played for the first time the night before Dore Alley in 2000. It’s my anniversary and I like that it is on such an obvious weekend. 🙂 I’m missing the event for the first time. It’s weird thinking about how my identity is shifting and changing. I like it and I’m happy, but it’s weird.

I spent a fair bit of time visiting with the other baby at the party. His father was one of the first people I ever played with so I’ve known him for a long time. We had a strained semi-hostile relationship for a while but at this point we get along pretty well. The little baby boy was born three hours before the munchkin. I think that is cool. 🙂 Munchkin and he were fascinated with each other. They ‘talked’ at one another and stared and flailed at each other. Very cool. It was kind of funny to talk to someone about how different our babies are at the exact same age. 🙂

So yeah. It was good and I’m happy. Today we get to walk over to the farmer’s market and buy lots and lots of vegetables for the upcoming week. Yes Pandora–more vegetables. 😛


http://www.b4udrink.org/ is a website that will let you play with how different alcoholic beverages hit your blood stream and how long it takes to go away.

I’m comforted to know that I can have three margaritas in an hour and not be illegal to drive. Uhm, not that I have ever had three margaritas in an hour. And I wouldn’t drive for a long time with any three alcoholic drinks in an hour.


I have several friends who have had wonderful experiences with Landmark Forums. I have seen increased happiness and it is a wonderful thing. This website thinks that Landmark is a cult. I don’t have a solid opinion. Mostly I am struck by the similarity between how Landmark and Everytown seem to effect most people. I’m willing to bet that I would feel the same way about Landmark as I did about Everytown.

Apparently Landmark has tried to sue people who link to the video above. Very interesting.

Cute bloomers


I need to learn how to knit better. 🙂 (By which I mean: spend more time doing it. I don’t need for anyone to offer lessons at this point, I just need to freakin knit.)

But they are so cute!

The thing about having a lot of free time is

I get to think about things a lot. In the past week theferrett wrote about the Open Source Boob Project. I will confess that I am not completely done with all the comments (dude–there are 1300+ of them…) but I’m a fair way into them. And I’m having a lot of thoughts about it. I think I am starting to bore Noah, so I’ll share with lj instead.

I will even cut it because it got long and I don’t want capnkjb to get mad at me. 🙂

Continue reading

Links and Puff

Shoved together because I feel like sharing and such and multiple posts that are short aren’t necessary.

Puff (my ten year old rescued feral cat–I rescued her from a rain storm when she was about three weeks old) had to have teeth extracted yesterday. Her gums were really infected and the whole situation was just not pretty. 🙁 She normally cries the whole time she is in the car and on the way home from the vet I just couldn’t bear to hear her cry in the carrier so I took her out and held her in my lap. That was a good decision because she looked around a lot but didn’t cry or squirm or anything. She’s been pretty clingy and lovey since she got home. She had been really clingy and lovey before the extraction so I think she does need/want love and support while in pain which is unusual for a cat. What I’m finding particularly amusing is that we are up to the third time for giving her medication already (pain meds and an antibiotic). She came right up to me the third time when I got out the medicine stuff. She isn’t squirming much past not wanting to open her mouth. (It might still be sore enough that she just doesn’t really want to open it.) She is not resisting physically at all. I wonder if my cat is enjoying those pain meds a wee bit more than she ought? 🙂 Nah. Go her. 🙂

Random links I have found recently that I have been reading and thinking about:


Maternity clothes

It is starting to warm up a little and I am completely sick of wearing stretch pants and t-shirts every single damn day. Maternity jeans are not terribly comfortable. I want dresses. Before you tell me ebay–I’ve looked. I don’t like the selection in my size. Which means I am looking around online because every store I walk in to has 2-3 dresses and they’re ugly. I have a pretty good idea of what styles/cuts work on my frame but I’m having trouble justifying this outrageous cost to myself. Yet… dude. Some of these are damn cute.


Dress #1 (Versatile and cute)
Dress #2 (So my style)
Dress #3
Dress #4 (Mouse over to see the other color)

Just cause

One might ask me, if one cared, “So, what have you been up to on your first day of summer vacation?” I would answer in a guilty tone of voice: “Well… I managed to find homeowners insurance, and deal with student loan stuff but really… mostly what I did was masturbate and read www.stripteasecomic.com”.

It was a rather stellar day all the way around. 🙂 [Oh–the comic isn’t masturbation material. It’s entirely work safe and funnier than hell.]