Tag Archives: livejournal help

Thinking about it.

So I mentioned that I have been thinking that this nick doesn’t quite fit me and a few people agreed. Now I am going to put it forth to ya’ll (one of thos blatant requests for input):

What do you think might fit me?

SlutPrincess has been suggested (what is funny is that was a friend’s password on all her accounts for a long time)
but I don’t know that I want another nick with the word slut in it. It gets old.

However, RightKindOfBrat isn’t taken. 🙂

Any other suggestions? I’ve been thinking I should change it for over a year and I have taken no steps so who knows if/when it will happen. I will have to find something I really like because frankly this nick has an excessively large recognition factor in a lot of different communities for me at this point.