So Noah and I have been having conversations about nutrition a lot lately as what I put in my mouth became Way More Interesting about eight months ago (pre-Lizarding). Everyone keeps asking me if I am having cravings and I’m so not. Right now the best I can hope for is food that sounds vaguely ok–most food doesn’t. I’m having a lot of aversions though. Turkey is disgusting. Broccoli makes me gag. I can rarely eat meat and never in much quantity. Vegetables in general are just no fun to eat. What I find weird is that when we were buying skim milk I was drinking copious quantities–we switched to 1% out of some vague idea it would be better for me and I have stopped drinking milk because it doesn’t taste good. Eggs are usually really really disgusting.
So what I am seeking to understand, oh Lazyweb, is: am I having no cravings because I am overall nutritionally sound? This is Noah’s theory and I am not sure. Pre-pregnancy I was extremely good about eating a balanced diet, I’ve been on nutritional supplements for months and months. Am I just riding out the waves of nutrition stored in my system? Does nutrition work that way? If not, what can I possibly do to encourage my body to like nutritious food again? (McDonalds is easy to eat.)
It is worth pointing out that if I get didactic “You should…” with judgment sorts of comments I will probably delete them. I’m doing the best I can right now and I don’t need to be told I suck for doing the best I can.