Tag Archives: meme


A brat asked: What question, self examination or otherwise, would you least like to be asked about now?

And what question, self examination or otherwise, would you most like to be asked about now?

A long time ago, when I was a little girl, I remember my father taking me shooting. At the end of the day we were back at his house and he was cleaning the guns and I was sorta helping. He picked up one of the hand guns and held it to my head and asked me, “Do you deserve to live?”

I don’t want to be asked that right now.

I don’t actually know specifically what I want to be asked. This week has had some massively hard bumps and despite the fact that I am doing really well at my job right now I am very much feeling like a waste of oxygen. I would like for a question to exist that would lead me to believe I have some worth. But I don’t know that such a question exists.


I was asked why I have chosen to be so open about my sex life.

It’s complicated. See, I grew up in a family where sex and discussions of sex were extraordinarily common and yet we were supposed to be ashamed of it. Sex was introduced to me at a ridiculously young age and I have been preoccupied with it for most of my life. When I was a teenager I was really into it, but I was called names and told I was bad and shamed for it. I always thought that was wrong. Why were people so upset that I was having sex? It didn’t make sense. Then when I had the first of a series of break downs I realized that I couldn’t keep secrets anymore. I don’t do anything that I am ashamed of, so why should I hide it?

I have also gotten to the point where my being out is a matter of principle and example. Me being this out lets other people see that their interests/activities aren’t anything to be shamed of. It’s a big deal to me. I didn’t originally set out to be a poster child, it just kinda happened. But it works and I’m happy with it.

More questions

Now I have seen : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYhlm9GTAQ0&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eyesbutnobutyes%2Ecom%2Farchives%2F2007%2F02%2Flunch%5Fhour%5Fveg%5F104%2Ehtml and thank you so much for sharing it. I am very happy.

I was also asked where I would like to travel outside the country next. Hmmmm…. In my ideal world probably Italy or Germany. Noah is more inclined towards Asia though, so we’ll see. 🙂

Yay questions

To entertain me while kidlets are writing.

“Ok, what would be hardest to live without, what would would be easiest. The choices are clothes, sex, chocolate, books and your car. Please list them in order of hardest to easiest, and any additional commetary you wish to make is up to you.”

and “What are the 5 most important qualities I think a parent should have?”

Hardest to easiest: sex, clothes, books, car, chocolate. I don’t even like chocolate, that wasn’t a competition. Yeah, I’m not giving up sex buddy. HELL no. But I’m shy. 😀

I think parents should be patient, positive (in the encouraging kind of way), good listeners, stamina (kids are exhausting), and most importantly–parents need to be able to have good boundaries. So they can model them and so they can survive the little twerps.

Copy Cat (meme)

Last year a tradition was started by a few really neato people. I’m going to copy it.

March is question month. You can ask any question. It can be as personal or non-personal as you want and I am screening the questions. I will also let you ask anonymously if you want.

I wonder if I will actually get any. 🙂

hmmm anyone bored?

I’m making the vocabulary final for my little darlings. I’m also working on making the book test. My brain is being very fried so I thought I would put this up here in case anyone is feeling bored.

Your challenge, should you choose to take it, is to create questions for the final. The test is going to be administered with a scantron for ease of grading. Make one question, five, the whole test… anything would be great. 🙂 The directions and words are below in the cut…

Continue reading

Sarah asked…

“What were the five most memorable moments for you in 2006? Happy, sad, weird – moments that stuck in your mind and flash by when you think of the year.”

1. Looking at Noah and for one split second being terrified that I was making a huge mistake but then realizing that no, being married by a Walrus really was for the best. (Ok, seriously: I had this moment where I knew I was absolutely making the right decision. It was wonderful.)
2. Meeting Noah’s parents. Ok, I’ve done it.
3. Having my best friend over for dinner and sitting on the floor eating it off of Hercules plates and getting into the juicy bits of our respective psyches’ and hearing him tell me, “I think you will say no but I will never forgive myself if I don’t ask. Will you marry me?” Ok, so given that this was Noah there were like 75 more words in that brief little sentiments and lots of repeating himself… but my memory is good at condensing. 🙂
4. When I was about 25 seconds into the agony of my first tattoo appointment when I stopped and went, “Holy shit. What the FUCK am I doing?!?!!!!!” I’m still working on it anyway.
5. Strangely I think the last one was on my trip to New York. That was my first serious trip like that alone. I got to be dependent only on myself in a way I have never been before. I was so terribly lonely for most of it–I am so needy when it comes to my support network. I’m going to mention specifically the desk guy at the hostel who developed a mad crush on me during that week of being in the building. 🙂 He was sweet.

{dirtier} A meme rbus started

He asked people to tell about a funny related to sex story. My story won’t be as funny as his, but it makes me giggle.

In the not too distant past when I was coasting back into the community after my hiatus while dating Puppy I was entertaining the idea of sleeping with lots of different people. I hadn’t done that much of it yet, I was still trying to decide who my next few conquests would be. Planning these things out is a good idea. There is a fellow in my local area who thinks Quite Highly of himself and he seemed to be deciding that I would soon be in his thrall. Near as I can tell, his MO is to push girls into having huge crushes and then string them on for quite a while. He only rarely actually sleeps with anyone. Ok, fair enough. I realized what he was doing after a month or so and decided I would *not* be one of his faithful groupies hoping for a look or some action.

The next time I saw him, after deciding to fuck with him, we started doing the hot and heavy making out thing we had been doing and just as things started to get very feverish and he was likely to pull away soon I pushed him off of me and said, “Enh–you aren’t going to follow through so I am done for now. Thanks!” I turned and walked away. About 15 feet away I turned to look at him. His mouth was hanging open in shock. He looked dumbfounded that someone had played his game on him. I laughed and kept going.

This game kept going pretty much until I stopped this last phase of slutting around. He kept trying and trying and trying to get me to be more engaged and fall for him and I just wouldn’t. That was fun. 🙂

[side note: I was in a craptastic mood this morning but a few hours of sex and all of a sudden I’m in a great mood!]

Meme continued

I was told I have to do S now. Damnit.

1. Sex. Duh.
2. Stories. I love being told about other peoples’ lives. It makes me very happy.
3. Strawberries. I came to this love later in life. When I was little I wouldn’t eat them unless they were massively coated in sugar.
4. Singing. But not many people will ever get to hear me because I am horribly self-conscious. My brother telling me I sucked all through childhood left its mark.
5. Shapes of letters. All of my life I have had a weird habit of tracing the shapes of letters with my eyes. I do this obsessively.
6. Snuggling. Oh baby I loves me the snuggling.
7. Stability. More than anything I want stability. I feel like I am poised for having it at this point, but it isn’t real yet.
8. School. It’s weird, but I feel more comfortable in a learning environment than anywhere else.
9. Submission. If you don’t know why I love this then I shouldn’t tell you.
10. Soup. More than any other generic category of food, I love soup. Mmmmmm it’s so comforting

Brought to you by the letter M and the number 3 1/2 (cause that’s how many hours of sleep I got)

Comment and I’ll give you a letter. Then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. After, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.

satyrlovesong gave me M. Hmmmmm

Music. Country, techno, 80’s rock, rarely industrial, celtic rock… so much great music.
Men. Oh baby. Especially that Noah one. 🙂
Movies. I love watching movies despite my hatred of TV.
Mail. I love getting mail. It is such a ridiculously involved process: getting paper, writing, getting an envelope, looking up an address, finding a stamp… I feel special when I see something with my name hand written on an envelope. Or like the post card from i_am_dsh and terpsichoros when they were in Spain. I felt gooey special just to get it. 🙂
Melatonin because any sleeping help I can get just rocks.
Milk. I drink a lot of it and will happily gulp large glasses down cause it is just so tasty. I do drink non-fat, which is odd for milk lovers.
Mikasa Stephanie I’m working on having the whole set. Perty. 🙂
Massage. Have I mentioned that I have a great husband? 🙂
Monkey! It’s been a beloved nickname for years and years. I was an avid tree climber as a child. Then I had a friend in college who could climb poles and hang out near the top for a while. There are my favored variations of Freak Monkey and Monkey Fucker of course. 🙂

Freakin memes (I made it dirty)

Here are the rules:
Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write ablog with six random facts about yourself. In the end you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names.

Damn you barelyproper!! (I’m so running out of random facts. I have already done these memes too many times. This had to get shuffled to my dirtiest filter)

Uhhhhh I decided to make these all NWS


I was looking at my archive and wondered what I posted four times in one day a while back and came across http://rightkindofme.livejournal.com/253208.html so I reread the responses.

There are a few of you out there… Dear god ya’ll are HOT. Must go… uhm… yeah. That.

(If anyone wants me to remind you what you said… I’ll respond to your comment so it gets sent back to you.)

Answers: 29 truths and 1 lie

1. I hate to vacuum.
Truth (When I was in a 24/7 M/s relationship it was part of my contract that I did not have to vacuum. That was the one household task my owner was responsible for. I really hate to vacuum.)
2. I eat McDonald’s in every country I travel to.
Truth (I really do! I like to see what is different on the menu and eat that. They had a cool chicken/pineapple sandwich in Australia.)
3. In the third grade I was beaten every day at school.
Truth (For a combination of swearing and not doing the work up to standards. I just would not conform to what they wanted. I hate Oklahoma.)
4. I am the youngest of four children.
Truth (This one is sort of a technicality. I was born the youngest of four. One of my elder brothers has died.)
5. During my lifetime I have attended 31 schools.
Truth (Yup, my mom is a crazy bitch.)
6. I am a high school drop out.
Truth (I technically dropped out in my freshman year and then again my junior year. I never came back after the first semester of my junior year.)
7. I spent many/most of my formative years not living with my nuclear family.
Truth (My mom would send me to live with different people all through my childhood. I spent most of the time with my aunt and uncle, but often I lived with family friends–some of whom I didn’t really know before I was sent to live with them.)
8. As a teenager I pierced my ear with a needle in my bedroom.
Truth (I was angsty and shit.)
9. I have been admitted to psych wards multiple times.
Truth (Yup. I am actually certifiable. I had a few break downs when I was 15. It was a bad year.)
10. I am obsessed with movies and books that depict Christian theology.
Truth (Very much so. I feel a lot of connection to the religion that rejected me. I’ve always been fascinated by this stuff that entraps millions.)
11. I have a high school diploma.
Truth (I earned it through doing college courses and then I showed up at the graduation and freaked people out. It was funny.)
12. I was interviewed twice about my reaction to Clinton being elected as President during his initial inauguration.
Truth (I was in Washington DC with my middle school on a field trip. For some reason multiple tv crews picked me to interview. I completely made an ass of myself because I didn’t know shit about politics and I made stuff up. I’m kind of lame.)
13. In high school the vice principal walked in while I and three friends were playing strip hearts and he didn’t stop us.
Truth (Yeah, the techies at my high school got away with murder.
14. I once took Karate classes for six weeks but I had to stop for emotional reasons.
Truth (I kicked a boy and made him cry–I was supposed to do this–I couldn’t live with myself for making a boy twice my size cry.)
15. I was thrown into a pool before I was a year old and not retrieved.
Truth (I learned to swim before I could walk. My sister was an evil person… wait, what is this ‘was’??)
16. I have twice left on three week trips and ended up coming home early because I couldn’t handle the homesickness.
Truth (Australia when I was 19 and NY a few weeks ago…)
17. I have left the country to travel with someone I had maybe four dates with before the trip.
Truth (It was a very awkward trip. I wish that I would have had better communication skills at the time. I really sucked. Thanks for not hating me Chris!!)
18. I have gone to another country with an ex when we otherwise weren’t speaking.
Truth (Tom and I won a trip to Ireland and it was scheduled way out and we went anyway even though I broke up with him. It was complicated.)
19. I have broken my left arm twice and my right arm once.
Truth (When I was 6, 12, and 18. When I was 6 I was thrown off the monkey bars. When I was 12 I fell off a tv stand because I was rooting around high in a cupboard trying to figure out what my mom had hidden in it. When I was 18 I was dropped as Tom prepped me for my first suspension. Suck. I’m almost through my 24th year, I’m praying I break the 6 year cycles…)
20. I have more had more than 125 stitches in my body.
Truth (I have stitches on my foot, my eyebrow, and my cheek. I was attacked by a pit bull when I was 5. Yay for good surgeons giving me back a face.)
21. My hair was completely straight when I was a child.
Truth (Puberty was not kind to me. I used to have OPTIONS!!!!)
22. I was an assistant stage manager for the same show twice in six months.
Truth (I hate Oliver! with a passion though I still sing the songs.)
23. I managed to randomly flirt with a complete stranger on OkCupid and later discover that I was the fourth girl that he and my primary had dated at the
same time.
Truth (It was trippy. I have to say that one of the girls they shared was a total loser, another is now a man, one is me, and the other seems very cool. I bet I would like her.)
24. I have never passed out from drinking alcohol.
False! (I did this in January. I’m not proud. Damn you Dan.)
25. I have dated people who were no longer the gender they were born.
Truth (The comment: “I bet you did more than date…” Was rather apropos.
26. I flipped a student off in class.
Truth (Oh it was bad. They never let me live it down…)
27. My brother once deliberately encouraged one of his friends to beat me up because he wanted to watch.
Truth (I hated Tommy. He was such a bastard.)
28. I can’t swim in a dark pool at night without being terrified that some monster is going to eat me.
Truth (Jaws scarred me for life.)
29. I have walked on ground that was probably never walked on by a human before.
Truth (I went backpacking in remote areas of Alaska where we had to fly a small plane to get there. It was cool.)
30. I went skinny dipping in Australia outside the shark net area.
Truth (I didn’t want to dig out my bathing suit but I wanted to at least get in the water right before I went home. And they weren’t that hip on skinny dipping so I went outside the main swimming area. It freaked me out, but I did it!!)

29 truths and 1 lie.

I saw this as a meme when I was journal-surfing. I liked it. I will now tell you 30 things and only one of them will be untrue. Comments will be screened for 48 hours as people guess which one they think is a lie. I will respond to the comments (And keep them screened) until the end of that period when the winner(s) will get some sort of prize to be determined later.

1. I hate to vacuum.
2. I eat McDonald’s in every country I travel to.
3. In the third grade I was beaten every day at school.
4. I am the youngest of four children.
5. During my lifetime I have attended 31 schools.
6. I am a high school drop out.
7. I spent many/most of my formative years not living with my nuclear family.
8. As a teenager I pierced my ear with a needle in my bedroom.
9. I have been admitted to psych wards multiple times.
10. I am obsessed with movies and books that depict Christian theology.
11. I have a high school diploma.
12. I was interviewed twice about my reaction to Clinton being elected as President during his initial inauguration.
13. In high school the vice principal walked in while I and three friends were playing strip hearts and he didn’t stop us.
14. I once took Karate classes for six weeks but I had to stop for emotional reasons.
15. I was thrown into a pool before I was a year old and not retrieved.
16. I have twice left on three week trips and ended up coming home early because I couldn’t handle the homesickness.
17. I have left the country to travel with someone I had maybe four dates with before the trip.
18. I have gone to another country with an ex when we otherwise weren’t speaking.
19. I have broken my left arm twice and my right arm once.
20. I have more had more than 125 stitches in my body.
21. My hair was completely straight when I was a child.
22. I was an assistant stage manager for the same show twice in six months.
23. I managed to randomly flirt with a complete stranger on OkCupid and later discover that I was the fourth girl that he and my primary had dated at the same time.
24. I have never passed out from drinking alcohol.
25. I have dated people who were no longer the gender they were born.
26. I flipped a student off in class.
27. My brother once deliberately encouraged one of his friends to beat me up because he wanted to watch.
28. I can’t swim in a dark pool at night without being terrified that some monster is going to eat me.
29. I have walked on ground that was probably never walked on by a human before.
30. I went skinny dipping in Australia outside the shark net area.


(Click here to post your own answers for this meme.)

× I miss somebody right now.  (I miss many people) ✓ I don’t watch much TV these days.  (Shoot your tv.) ✓ I own lots of books.
✓ I wear glasses or contact lenses. × I love to play video games. ✓ I’ve tried marijuana.
✓ I’ve watched porn movies. × I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.  (Define psycho…) ✓ I believe honesty is usually the best policy.  (ALWAYS)
✓ I curse sometimes. ✓ I have changed a lot mentally over the last year. × I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.

it goes on…

I’ve answered this 4 times

So I should post it too.

There’s at least 1 person on your LiveJournal that wants to dateyou, play with you or sleep with you. So lets play…….. FRIENDSw/BENEFITS

The rules are simple…

If you want to date the person who posts this send them a msg saying “I want to date you”

Ifyou want to play with the person who posts this send them a msg saying”I want to play with you” and say if you want to be top or bottom andwhat activities you want to do.

If you just want to sleep with the person and stay friends, send them a message that says “Let’s have sex some time, OK?”


I’ll screen this one. I know there are quite a few people on my list who don’t like to air their dirty laundry to everyone.

Hidden Messages Meme

List ten (10) things you want to say to ten (10) different people. (I’m going to skip the tagging this time.)

1. I love you more than I can ever express and I am very sad that I can’t be near you.
2. Please give me more space. I feel like I am choking.
3. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but things will be ok in the long run. I have faith in you.
4. It’s time to move on. If you keep thinking about him it will only hurt you more.
5. Please stop hurting yourself. I love you so much and it is difficult to see you do this. I know it isn’t about me, but–please stop for you.
6. I love you.
7. I think you are hot and I want to jump you.
8. I am sicking of dealing with your bullshit drama. In fact, I am so sick of it that I am just not going to deal with you anymore. I’m done.
9. I really love that you think of me when you hear that song.
10.If you want to do it, just do it. Stop being afraid.

Tagged again! :)

Name 10 of life’s simple pleasures that you like most, then pick ten people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not use things that someone else has already used.

1. Pink fuzzy shower curtains hung as my living room curtain.
2. When more than 1/2 of my class is up to date on their reading. (Seriously, this makes me deliriously happy.)
3. Knowing that in less than 24 hours I get to see my Portland Boy!!
4. Going to sleep and waking up with my Noah.
5. When someone tells me they like my smile.
6. Driving through a massive rainstorm and then seeing a beautiful rainbow on the other side.
7. Having Noah start rubbing some part of me (massage you filthy perverts) while we are just sitting around having a conversation.
8. Feeling heard.
9. Walking along the beach hearing stories about someone I like a lot.
10. Knowing that in 36 hours I will be in a restaurant with three of the men that make me the happiest.

My life so rocks.

Oh, I choose: malixe, celledhor(boy you never post), gerardp, fuzzyturtlefoamslice, meerkat299, soulcookie, notanai, polkamadness, and terpsichoros. Yeah, we’ll see if even *two* of you do it. Heh.

I answered this in several journals so I should share the love.

Leave a comment in my LJ listing each of the numbers that indicatesyour thoughts/feelings towards me. Then leave this meme in your own LJ.

0= I don’t know you.
1= I like you.
2= I love you!!
3= You are funny.
4= You are cool.
5= I don’t really care for your personality.
6= I want to fuck you.
7= You are sexy!
8= You’re a sweetheart.
9= I want to get to know you better.
10= I hope you die.
11= Marry me, PLEASE?
12= Let’s makeout.

I’m it!

*grin* Thanks for noticing me loren_q

6 Weird Things About Me You May Not Know

1. I would rather burn candles than turn on a light switch. When I am home by myself I often have 30+ candles burning because I want it to be bright but I dislike artificial light. The weird thing is I feel self conscious doing it with anyone else around. I think this has been one of the things I have appreciated the most about living alone. I don’t have to worry about what anyone else thinks about what I am doing.

2. I reread the book Walk in My Soul by Lucia St.Clair Robson at least once a year, usually more like two or three times a year. I always sob through the last 20 or so pages so hard that I can barely see enough to keep reading. For some reason this book touches me more than any other.

3. My ears were pierced for the first time when I was about 18 months old. The second piercings were done when I was 12. The third when I was 18. And I can’t wear earrings in any set of holes because I get infections within a day.

4. I still listen to songs on repeat for days. I have never grown up. In the past few months I have had days where the focus has been : “Boyfriend” by Ashlee Simpson (don’t ask), “Ever the Same” by Rob Thomas, and “On Again Off Again On AgainTonight” by Trent Willmon. Good stuff.

5. A lot of people know that I am somewhat picky about what I eat, but most people don’t understand that most of the time it isn’t about taste/flavor. I can’t handle weird textures. Slimey, weirdly crunchy, or anything that feels sharp. If something is too odd in my mouth it can make me throw up. This is why I don’t eat stuff that feels weird in my mouth. And it seems to be arbitrary. I can’t handle the texture of onions or seafood. *shiver* God it’s nasty.

6. I’m not actually terribly into boots. And I’m specifically not into high heeled boots. I like military style boots a lot on other people, and engineer boots well enough. I have this nick because Tom and I sat around and exchanged ideas because he hated the one I used from high school. I think this nick doesn’t fit me but I don’t know what would. Any suggestions?

I’m supposed to tag people, so I will. But keep in mind my darlings that this is just a suggestion. How about: danaoshee, doctorcurly, evilcyber, ihotpockets, loupyone, and rpage.