Tag Archives: party

Just life

Getting ready for a party this weekend is more stressful than I thought it would be. My house is in a weird state of flux because of the garage project. There is a ton of stuff in the house that is normally out in the garage and finding spots for everything is a nuisance. It doesn’t help that I have weird/stupid compulsions about having my house look neat and orderly when people I don’t know come over. If I could manage to not care this would all be much easier. 🙂 [Just so people don’t think I am not inviting you to a party–it’s a going away party for a friend and the invitees are her friends, not mine. So I’m hosting, but it’s not my party. Kind of weird.]

Shanna’s development is no longer as dramatically quick. Her progress is still rapid, but it’s slightly less startling if that makes sense. Now it is on a more predictable trajectory. She is more and more kid-like by the day. Her speaking is amazing to me. She picks up signs as quick as I teach them to her which means I should focus on more signs that are relevant to her. I gave her crackers for the first time this week and she’s in love. I wasn’t withholding them for any particular reason, I’m just not a cracker person so I don’t have them around. I can’t stand stuff that is crispy like that in my mouth. I guess she won’t have my texture fuss. This will make her life easier. 🙂 I really should post pictures of her.

Using our not perfectly accurate scale it looks like Shanna has gained almost three pounds in the past two and a half months. That makes sense. She is eating like it is going out of style. I’m starting to feel slightly frustrated with her wanting food all day long because it is hard for me to work on projects when I have to stop and help her with food. She can feed herself but if I let her go at it alone the mess is prodigious.

We took her to her first Gaskell Ball this weekend. She had a great time playing with the other little girls at the event. One of the things that is hard for me about living in Fremont is I am far away from my friends and all events. I would really love to be able to host baby dance parties during events like that and have all the folks I know drop their kids off. I think that is even more fun than going to Gaskells but it’s not going to work out. No one wants to drive down here for that sort of thing.

I find it pretty funny that at this point I have far more stuff for organizing than I have stuff to organize. 🙂 I have a lot of empty space in my house. This pleases me immensely.

I’m starting to feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation about painting the garage. I have really cool ideas, but I’m not particularly artistic. I will have a hard time if I put in a lot of effort and it looks really bad. I’m not sure what is the best way to try and get something vaguely pretty given my level of (zero) art skill. I’m great at doing basic house painting. Well, by great I mean that I am neat–I don’t like doing it much. 🙂 But I really like the results so I do it.

I asked my bio-family if it would be ok for me to host Christmas this year because I like to share the load and not put everything on my aunt. But my cousins won’t come off the mountain and I don’t want to alienate them so it won’t be happening. So my 70-something year old aunt will be doing all the work for everyone again. I think my family sucks.

I haven’t heard from my mom in months. Not since she grudgingly sent me some money towards paying back what she borrowed from me. I’m feeling unfortunately justified in my not so awesome opinions of her. Thanks for using me then ditching me again mom. I appreciate the reminder of how much you care about me.

I’m still having to struggle with my upset at feeling used by people in general. I know that no one means anything bad. It doesn’t matter if people mean to be treating me like shit or not if they are it hurts. But I’m the only one responsible for my feelings. I can point at a bunch of different things making this harder right now but it doesn’t matter what excuses I have. I need to deal with this because I’m making myself miserable and the only one who notices is me. It would be nice to be happier. I’m trying.

Oh, and I cut my hair. A wonderful friend got a great picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9522728@N08/4043845455/in/set-72157622662085684/ That was after a long day of me running my fingers through it and putting it up then taking it down then messing with it then shaking my head to resettle it. Isn’t it a great haircut?! I’m pretty excited. I think it may be one of the best haircuts I’ve ever received.

Whoo hoo

Adventure! We are going to Santa Barbara for the weekend. I’m excited. I’ve never actually been down there. And I asked the boyfriend of a friend to pick up our farm share and he said sure. Yay! That was a rather easily arranged weekend. 🙂

Today I need to: make banana bread, make jam, and pack.

Tomorrow Shanna has a checkup, more shots. 🙁 Luckily Noah can go with us because I just can’t hold her down for the needle. 🙁 I do believe that the choice we are making is right but it sucks.

And we are going to a festive grown up party tomorrow night. I’ve got some high hopes about that but I’m not completely sure how I would like it to go. There are so many choices! Mmmm I like thinking about my options. 🙂 And I am even more excited that I know some particular people are going because that makes my options so much more appealing. 🙂

Planning ahead

Second try, now with correct dates.

My mom is already pressuring me to plan Shanna’s first birthday party. I’m trying to figure out dates. Miss Jenny, Miss Laura, and Noah all have birthdays within a week or so of Shanna’s so we are thinking about a joint party cause sure why not. It gives us an excuse for having a wider array of cake! 🙂 So I’m going to do a date poll. Heavier weight will be given to the opinions of shared-celebration folks. 🙂


Party on Sunday

I’ve decided that trying to have a party this weekend is noticeably increasing my stress and I’m unlikely to have that great of a time because I will feel bad about all the ways I feel I have failed. It’s really not worth it right now.

Sorry folks. I suppose it is lucky that not very many people wanted to come.


My mother hand copied all of our family recipes into a cookbook for me. I think this is awesome and spiffy and I am incredibly grateful. You know that perfect cursive that was above the chalkboard in third grade? My mother writes like that. It’s incredible. Her handwriting is a joy to read. And tomorrow (Thursday), along with Miss Laura, I get to start baking! I’m so thrilled. So you all get a poll!
Continue reading

Holidaze party

Party! (Before you get lost in details: remember that I ALWAYS APPRECIATE RSVP’S!!!! Yes, I’m yelling that.)

What: Holidaze party. You will probably already be in a daze by then, so what’s one more party?

When: Sunday, December 21st from ~1pm-7pm. If you are having a mandatory shut down the week after we can discuss staying later and drinking more seriously.

Where: Our house. Duh. (If you don’t know where we live let me know and I’ll send you the address.)

Why: Because parties are fun. I will be free of all school obligations and feeling celebratory. Because I will have cookies and cinnamon rolls and brownies and crumbles and all sorts of other stuff for folks to eat. [I will have gluten free stuff (I’ve already figured out what I’m doing), There will be dairy free stuff. And I’m going to try to have some diabetic friendly deserty something as well on principle. If you fall into one of these groups here is your social pressure to show up and appreciate my efforts. 🙂 ]

Who: Lots of folks I like and Noah likes. Which includes you, so you should come. 🙂

Should I bring anything? Only if you want to. Things that would be the most appreciated would be food of the savory nature. Dear God don’t bring sweets. If you want to bring alcohol make sure it is really really nice alcohol. We got rid of all the cheap shit and we don’t have any desire to replace it.

Can I bring anyone? Of course your SO is invited. If you want to bring several of your friends please check with me first. This is a fairly large invite list and this is NOT A DHP. So please don’t post this to everyone you know. 🙂 If it looks like only ten people are showing up I will probably say, “Sure–the more the merrier.” If it looks like 50+ people I will say, “Uhhh… well… uhhhhmmmm how strongly do you feel about them coming?” Mostly I just want to have a vague idea of how many people to prepare for at the event.

Will the party be kid friendly? I bloody well hope so because I have no where to hide my kid. I will point out that if you are the sort to have a mandatory shut down the next week and you want to hang out later drinking and you do something in the garage it would probably be fine.

Should I bring you a present? I love presents! I love presents so much that here is a link to my wishlist. But no, you don’t have to bring me a present. 🙂 Or Noah. Or even Shanna. 🙂

{inner circle} Thank god that is over.

Maybe the best thing about moving is I will never have to deal with a DHP again. It was lovely seeing the 25 or so people I liked a lot. It was less thrilling seeing the 60 or so people I don’t know at all. Even less thrilling to see the 10 or so people I knew and don’t like. And the 3 or 4 people I don’t know who were specifically rude to me basically ended all fun for the party. Some bitch asked a question about the house or the party or something and I was sitting nearby so I answered. She turned to me and said, “And who the fuck are you?” I responded, “I live here.” She turned her back and ignored me. I think that part of the reason I get so mad when people lecture me telling me to be nice is that when she did this I got up quietly and walked away. That is actually what I generally what I do in those sorts of situations. I really wanted to say, “Get the fuck out of my house you stupid cunt.” But I didn’t want to ruin Noah’s party. 🙁

So I mostly hid back in my bedroom and declared it an invitation only space. Amusingly, for most of the time there were people standing in the door blocking entrance entirely unintentionally. That *won*.

And I tried to go to sleep around 11 with a little bit of success. I woke up around 1 needing to go to the bathroom and with a stomach ache. I’ve been up since then and not happy about it. 🙁 I don’t feel good and I can’t seem to calm down. I’m frustrated and angry and my back hurts and my stomach hurts and my head hurts and… And I didn’t find out till about 2am that Noah invited people to come back at 10 for breakfast. I’m torn between wanting to stay so that if that cunt comes back I can tell her to leave and leaving so I don’t have to deal with more stupid people. At the rate I’m going I wonder if I will sleep at all and that will distinctly lower my patience in general.

On the plus side, I think Noah and I just had the best sex we have had in a month. heh


Putting all of our alcohol on a table is quite daunting. I’m really hoping a lot of people come because I so don’t want to move this crap.

Come drink our alcohol! We have various and sundry really neat alcohols! Really and truly! We have shit you have never even heard of before! 🙂

Hell, come take a bottle home with you if you don’t want to drink it here….

Me being involved with an open invite party seems like a recipe for disaster… oh wait…

(Yes, I’m aware that some of you have seen this 5 times in the last five minutes. Take that as a sign of our high esteem of you and don’t bitch. 😛 )

Noah quite pithily says:

Since Krissy (now my wife) and I are moving out of state next summer, and selling our house sooner yet (this time for sure!), we’re having a final DHP before the house goes away. Since we’re leaving the state (no, not permanently) for Christmas, we’re calling everybody together on December 15th.

In the spirit of nostalgia, and *not* because I’m too lazy to put together a full invitation, you can see the usual details on the previous invitation — “http://www.angelbob.com/houseparty.html”. This party, though, is for December 15th. Yes, the one in 2007.

We’ll have food and beverage, naturally. There will be paraffin and 151 for firebreathing. We’ll see if we can’t get our hands on a pinata. Hot tub. Drunkenness, nudity, fire, and all the usual (I’m trusting you guys here — don’t make me a liar). And hey, there’s no excuse to put off attending this time, ’cause after this, no more Disaster House!

Invite your friends. Invite your enemies, at least if they’re more interesting than your friends 🙂 What you don’t drink, we have to move! So ask me to mix you a drink at your peril…

Why December 15th? What, you mean *other* than the release of “The Sound of Music”? Or Netscape 1.0? Well then, let’s say “the birth of Nero,” or if you liked Nero, “the death of Walt Disney”. Togas remain optional. Togas plus mouse-ears, while optional, will have you looking more stylish than… Um… if you wore laurels on your brow with that little silly red-pants-and-suspenders thing with white buttons a la Mickey?

Sex/play party curiosity

Party the first at this location was remarkably… mellow. People only played if I pushed them to play pretty hard. I found this amusing. I have already been asked if I plan to host more sex parties and seeing as Noah and I have talked about that several times I figure it is worthwhile to see what kind of interest people have. This is a fairly narrow filter, though most of the time partners are on the filter. Please do not spread around mention of this as there are many “obvious” people to invite to this sort of party who I am not inviting for whatever reason. I’m thinking that once I get past the initial bit of confirmation of interest I will switch to emails and I will ask people if they want to recommend anyone for the party invite list at that point.

Comments are screened. Are you interested in this sort of event? Do you want me to invite you to such an event? Do you wish I would stop assuming you were interested in this sort of event? Please let me know. 🙂

(If there are no major conflicts the weekend of August 25/26 might be good for an event. Please tell me if you know of conflicts.)


The event was amazing. Anna came through and helped with food way more than I thought she would. My friends are wonderful friendly people. My husband is the best boy ever.

Delightful. Wonderful. Yay!! Does this mean we are well and truly married now? (I need to work on developing the pictures people took.)

What is the use of “perfect” anyway?- and Anna whining

HEY! ANYONE DRIVING NEAR FREMONT!!! Apparently, the police are out in major force today. Don’t break any traffic laws even slightly.

Now on to the rest of my fussing..

We are about as ready as we are going to get and I’m pretty ok with that level of ready. Yay for ready.

My pissiness this morning centers around Anna. She’s here visiting for a while. I haven’t spent serious time with her in 3+ years. I’ve been uhm, busy.

Backstory: Anna had back surgery about 6 months ago and is in serioius pain a lot of the time. She can’t lift much and she often needs to go rest. I’m fine with this. However, I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. The only thing I have asked her to do was to iron the curtains. There were 6 panels. It took her about 9 hours over two days because she kept complaining about how much she hates to iron. Uhm, well, there isn’t much else you are capable of doing. And I have this awful Puritan work ethic that means I get bitchy about people sitting around doing nothing while I work. It really bugs me. However, I know she can’t do much so I don’t have that high of expectations. Even with really low expectations the fact that she was whining about doing the one small task I gave her really pissed me off.

Oh, and she has been fussing for two days that she had to go buy the Harry Potter book at 9am. Uhm, Anna–do you recognize that we are kind of busy? She gave me this long story basically repeating for me what I know about the fact that her life is really pathetic and she has nothing to look forward to except for this book. I have some sympathy for this, but I also have 100 people coming to my house today.

I didn’t kill her. She has her fucking book. She carried 10 bottles of wine and washed a few bowls. I think that is all I am going to get from her…

But we are done. This rocks. Now I can calm down! Now I get to breathe and chill out and stop stressing. I can do this.


24 hours. (Ok, and a few minutes…)

I’m not done. For most values of “done” I won’t be done. The yard is going to be imperfect and far from pretty, but that’s how life goes. We don’t have much of a handle on the yard in general and there is no faking that we do. The paint job is… yeah. Lots more touching up is going to have to happen. But the inside of the house is getting much better. To go from a house set-up for daily life to completely tearing everything apart and moving almost entirely into the garage to painting to having a house set-up for daily life again in two weeks is pretty good.

I can do this. Even if Noah does doubt my ability to make the house tidy by tonight. 😛

We are going to try for FNW. 🙂 It’s a maybe.

Mmmm aftermath

Last night was fun and I’m glad people came over.

But I have a little thing that I’m feeling irritated about and I figure I could tell people or I could just be mad about it. Next time I ask if you can bring food for a potluck kind of thing, please do.

(I know a couple of people did–thank you.)


I’m all weird and angsty right now and there are a bunch of reasons for it. My stomach hurts quite a bit and I’m sure that doesn’t help my emotional wonkyness.

This was a very rough weekend. There were high points that were quite wonderful, but a couple of lows that really blew. Cut in case drugs or my personal angst do not appeal.


Last night at Naughty was incredibly fun. It was a really small party–probably because of bridge closure and the beach event drawing off many regulars. But I still had a truly wonderful time. The wedding was silly and fun. The sex was hot. And someone brought out a nitrous canister at the end of the night. Heh. Good times. Spot (The role of Google Boy will now be filled by Spot. Long and funny story. 🙂 had a good time so I consider his first play party a success. Yay! We got home at 5. I think he got in about 3 1/2 hours of sleep before we couldn’t handle the SUPER BRIGHT LIGHT from the skylight right over us. *sigh* (I got a little more sleep because I slept on the way home.)

Today I attempted to break my sedentary pattern. I tried to run. Spot mocked the crap out of me because we were out for just over 30 minutes and only 7 minutes were spent actually running. My only consolation is that the dog I am taking care of wore out before me. HA!

Oh, I forgot to tell ya’ll!

Once again this month I am heading up to Naughty. The theme is white weddings and the organizer, a fabulous man called Random, has asked me to marry him. 🙂 I am simply tickled pink. Or white, or something like that. I would really *love* if lots of people came to this fabulous party. It really is one of my favorites in the bay area and the more the merrier. 🙂 The theme is weddings so such clothing is encouraged but NOT REQUIRED. Please don’t skip the event because you don’t want to wear something formal-ish.

Come on ya’ll you know you want to be there. Some info from the website:

What is it about weddings? All innocent and societally endorsed on the outside, but there’s definitely a creamy filling of lust and wickedness at its core.

Ever been to a bachelor party? At just about every bachelor party I’ve ever been to I found that the groom-to-be had an almost magnetic pull on all of the women wherever we went. And the bride? There’s something about that crisp, white purity and the knowledge that, later that night, she was going to be giving it up that made her incredibly desirable.

So here now is your chance. Wanna be the bride? Wanna be the groom? Wanna be the bridesmaid or groomsmen hooking up with each other or perhaps even the bride and groom themselves? Or do you want to just throw rice. Whatever way you want to go with it it’s gonna be a fun ride. We’ll start with a bachelor/bachelorette party for the first hour or two, then a wedding or three in our Vegas Elvis chapel, then the honeymoon period, followed of course by inevitable temptation, straying from the nest, angry recriminations and revenge schtupping, and the inevitable no-fault divorce at the end of the evening!

I am planning to have a lovely time and I think my friends would only add to the wonderous fun of the evening. So please, do come to my wedding. 🙂

{dirty} event!

Noah and I are going to this event on Saturday. Our tickets allow us to bring one person for free who has never been to the event before. If you are interested you need to write me something dirty telling me why I should take you with us.

Comments screened. 🙂

(Oh for those who don’t like links so much: the event is Naughty. The theme is threesomes. Naughty is a way fun party, probably one of my favorites here in the bay area. A while ago I wrote this about it on tribe when someone asked how Naughty compares to Black Sheets:
“Naughty is never going to take the place of Black Sheets. The vibes are simply too different. Most of the BS people want to show up, get naked, and spend the whole time being more free love-ish. Naughty appreciates the ‘dirty’ part about sex in public. At BS I always felt like I was a free love sort of hippy chick just enjoying the “vibe.” At Naughty I got to be a nasty, filthy little slut who couldn’t control herself in public who will let some guy (ok I know him and think he is fucking hot and wonderful) tell me to go lick his girlfriend out because he wanted to watch. I just didn’t have that happen at BS…”

You know this sounds hot…)