Tag Archives: party

Just life

Friday was way fun. 🙂 7 people showed up and that was a fairly good crowd for my house. The conversation was loads of fun. I ended up reading lesbian pr0n to people and that was hot. 🙂 I have left over corned beef. My overnight guest was really sweet too. Google boy did my dishes before and after the party because I can’t put my hand in standing dirty water yet. In the morning, I didn’t even ask him to! When I jumped in the shower he started picking up breakfast dishes and washed everything. Ok, that was just awesome.

Oh, we found out the maximum weight capacity for my bed and I need to go buy a drill and screws today to fix it. 🙂

Yesterday involved good therapy and a very odd time with the film maker guy. Not sure if he is going to get any more time. He alternates between being very interesting and being kind of spastic and weird–and not in happy ways. Hm. But the almost-surprise birthday party last night was fun. 🙂 I like getting to be around people who are talking about many things even when I don’t agree with all of it. *cough*economicpolicy*cough*

Today we’ll see if anyone shows up. I need to run out and buy a drill in order to repair my bed frame. We discovered the maximum weight capacity. Ha. Go Ikea construction. It’s fixable though. I just need to do it… Have I mentioned that I really don’t feel like getting up and dressed?

Good times.

How do you convince a party host to let you use his overhead points when he has never met you before and isn’t sure it is a good idea?

“Hi! I’m **** and I teach bondage and suspension classes.” Oh. Ok, let me get a ladder…

It was awesome. I topped; I flirted; I think I found some interest in getting back into the scene…

Although, why are all the boys emo? Freakin A.

🙂 *bounce* I didn’t get home till 4 cause I had one of those “oh shit I need to pull over and sleep for a while before I cause an accident” drive homes. It was scary, but then I slept and it was ok.