Tag Archives: pissy


I need to stop ranting at Noah, so here is some of the shit running around in my head that I keep saying over and over and I need to stop saying because I am wearing him out.

I feel like I was set up to hate his mother long before I went to Texas. Noah has told me horror stories for years about what an awful person his mom is and given my own baggage in this area, of *course* I have issues with her. She is abusive, domineering, and autocratic. What is there for me to like? Even given my ingrained bias I went trying really hard to have an open mind. I really did. I tried to be cheerful and friendly and I did not try to pick a fight. Even so, that is exactly what she has accused me of. She said I showed up and was constantly abrasive and looking for a fight. Her characterization of a conversation I had with her is about as different from mine as it could be. I was trying to be playful and funny and she said I was accusing her of being awful and picked a fight. ?! Uhm… ok… No, I’m not passive. No, I’m not quiet. I don’t think that means I am always trying to pick a fight. I told her flat out, “That was not me picking a fight. If you want, I can give you a demonstration of what it looks like when I pick a fight. I don’t think you will like it.” I was feeling kinda… punchy. If me being really really good is still met with anger and nastiness I feel there is little left for me to do.

I have now spoken with his dad on the phone twice since Thanksgiving. The first time he apologized for the inappropriate conversation that happened the night before we left and we talked about how I don’t want more abusive people in my life so I am just not going to deal with his wife. The second time he called me to bitch me out (very gently–he isn’t a forceful man) for sending Noah’s little sister the book The Mists of Avalon. They feel it is inappropriate for me to have done so and I should have checked with them first and gotten permission and by not doing so I am usurping that bitch’s authority. [Cake topper–part of the reason they deemed the book horrible is Noah’s brother doesn’t approve of the book either. When I asked him why he refused to talk about it. He just said hat he doesn’t but it doesn’t matter because it is “Mom’s decision anyway.” They both blame decisions on one another and refuse to talk about why. How mature is that?] Ok, his dad thinks he just called to find out my intentions in sending the book and to let me know that I should never take such an action again without permission.

So the first call was good and the second call was just awful. Me being me, I’ve been obsessing about the second call and trying to figure out how I want to become more ok with it and I wasn’t finding it in my heart to just walk away from it. So I called his mother. I told her that I gave his sister the book because I was trying to share something with her that had been very significant in my life at her age. If she wants to view that as a malicious act that is pathetic and ludicrous. I also told her not to have her husband call and bitch at me anymore. She claims she didn’t, but whatever. We got into quite a conversation that lasted almost 30 minutes. She told me off and I fought back tooth and nail. I will not be another person for her to step on. I told her flat out that I was doing my very best to be polite and friendly until she was being abusive with her daughter and that I just won’t tolerate. She responded in a way that indicated that she knows it is abuse, but “there are reasons for it that make it necessary.” Fuck. That. Noise.

I’m really glad that I told her off. I needed to do that. The more I let someone kick me the more and more pathetic I feel until my self-worth is in the toilet. Telling her that I won’t put up with her shit made me feel much better. I was very good at standing up for myself and not letting her bully me. I wasn’t abrasive though. I wasn’t real nasty I was just extremely firm about my boundaries in that way I am good at defending my boundaries. That was about when she threatened to sue me. Awesome. I still don’t know why. I think this is the last phone call I need to have with anyone in his family. I’m done. They are all willing to continue perpetuating this cycle of abuse and I’m not. Near as I can tell her only reasons for hating me are that I am not willing to let her walk all over me the way she does with everyone else. I’m too loud. I have too many opinions. Yeah? That’s too damn bad.

The even less fun bit

Health sucks

I’ve had occasional really bad stomach pain for a little while now. I’ve tended to try to ignore the outbreaks and treat them as if, “Well that was random–well… it’s over now,” but unfortunately they have been working on worse, not going away. When I threw up on Sunday because of the immense pain I was in that was a clue to me that I needed to deal with it pretty quickly. I skipped work on Monday and went to see the doctor. Her initial thoughts are that it could be gallstones, pancreatitis, or ulcers. I got a bunch of blood drawn and peed in a cup. First they called to assure me that I am not pregnant. Then they called to say that most of the blood tests were back and within normal ranges. So today I went in for an ultrasound. It was enh. Not a particularly traumatic experience–for which I am grateful.

Oh, and I seem to have a herpes outbreak. My first one in…. yeah. Long long time. No more kissing people for me, at least for a while. I guess that with enough stress I can break the streak of not having an outbreak in more than thirteen years. 🙁

Oh, and before the vomiting session on Sunday I had more work done on my back. So I just have massive discomfort *everywhere*.

{my shit} And yet more family drama

Yesterday I got into a fast and furious argument with my sister via IM. Noah watched the conversation and feels I was pretty reasonable. Today I got this email. It was sent to my niece and nephew and cc’ed to me.

Well, we had a bit of a broo-ha-ha over IM yesterday.  Basically, ifyou want to have anything to do with her, I don’t want to hear aboutit.

I am sick to death of her telling me I’m wrong and she’s right.  Iwill NOT listen to one more single word against my mother by anyone. And I know I am right in this.  Someone must retain family values andhonor, and that starts by protecting one’s mother.

Love is the counterpoint of all families.  It starts with birth andthe incredible love a parent has for their child.  That transcends tobrothers, sisters, uncles, cousins, etc., etc.  More than love isneeded though; you also must learn forgiveness and compassion.  I hopeyou two learn these lessons better than I have.  I have forgiven, and Ifeel for them, but I no longer have any desire to put my heart in thethresher to be chewed up and spit out.  And I’m angry that my siblingshave never bothered to ask what really happened.  Never.  They justfigure it started with them I guess.  Hah!  It started with me andMom.  MY mom.  I remember it all, and I often wish I didn’t.  But Itold myself when I was 5 that I needed to remember it all so I wouldn’tdo to you what was done to me.  At least I did that much.

If Auntie wants to know you guys, fine.  But unless SHE comes tosome understanding that she is not the only person with a history,pain, anger and serious betrayal issues to deal with, I do not wish tospeak with her.  I can no longer handle anyone telling me what I thinkis correct or incorrect; it just is.  I can no longer handle anyonetelling me what I FEEL is wrong.  It is what I feel, and God made methe way I am.  I can only assume its for a reason.

I am sorry I’m such a terrible disappointment to my siblings.  I’lljust stay the fuck away from them so I don’t fuck up any more of theirlives or mental well-being.  I’m sorry we cannot talk.  I’ve tried.  Iget attacked, pure and simple.  And when I get attacked, I get loud andaggressive and say things I don’t really mean and then Auntie says”See!  See!” so I can’t talk to her anymore.  Of my immediate family,only Tommy ever understood me, and I’ve been bereft since he left us.

I’m sorry guys; I know this is upsetting to you.  I’m not saying youcan’t have a relationship with whomever you wish to cultivate arelationship with.  I’m just saying I no longer wish to know about it. It just makes me far too angry.  And yes, I’m sick to death of lettinga ghost fuck up my present.  I’m sick of not being allowed to defendmyself in this matter too.  In the beginning I thought I couldn’thandle the shame of it, and I couldn’t do that financially to mySIBLINGS, and now I feel like my SIBLINGS just want to shut me up. They can heal in whatever manner they need to heal, but I’ve never hadthat option.  I’ve always had to put someone else’s well-being in frontof my own.

And it looks as though I’m going to do it again.  So Auntie doesn’thave to worry about her poor brother Jimmy, I won’t do anything. Again.  I’ll just DEAL, because nobody else can and somebody has too,right?

And no, I’m not writing off anyone. I am simply choosing to notparticipate in their collective BS. And yes, I call it BS because Iknow BS when it gets thrown in my face. It stinks and hurts the eyes.Which means I’m not willing to be the familyblack-sheep/fall-guy/punching-bag anymore. This is about self-respect,and nothing else. I feel bad that it’s come to this, but I have towatch out for me now.

I love you guys! And I always, always will.


As an aside, I realize everyone carries the burdens given to them,and it’s all individualistic.  I also realize I must be a very strongperson, because some people get fucked up over incidents here andthere, but I’ve managed to stay reasonably sane despite the constantbrain-washing and physical/sexual abuse I grew up with.  I canliterally recall 14 constant years of it. Only visits to my Gramma’shouse (a grandmother others may actually think wasn’t good for kids)kept me sane.  Maybe I just need to hit something.

I just want to walk away from all of this.

Brain gurggling.

The tat seems to be doing much better than expected. It isn’t painful anymore but it is INCREDIBLY sensitive. It’s kind of nifty.

Thanks to a fabulous girl in the city I am reading, The Devil Wears Prada and loving it greatly. Yay.

Tonight I get to introduce one of my oldest friends to my boys and that should be fun. Hell, it will be great to see her. I think it has been a year this time. (She works on a cruise ship so I don’t see her much.)

I am having a real hard time making nice in a few places and I want to scream and punch people. Not necessarily the people I don’t want to deal with, just someone as a stand in to let out frustration. I’m not actually angry at the people I don’t want to deal with it’s just… complicated.

I am so angry with the city-centrists that I would like to say fuck you to all of them and stop going to anything in the city, ever. If you are so fucking selfish that ONE GOD DAMN TIME you won’t come to my house then fuck all of you fucking fucks. saljid;ljksdfljk;sdflj;kdsfljk;

Damn me and my unrealistic expectations. I need to stop looking at someone and saying, “I want you to do ‘x'” when I know they only signed up for ‘y’. *sigh*

I keep having nightmares about showing up on the first day of school without a syllabus. I feel so woefully unprepared for my whole life right now.

I have procrastinated the shit out of about a dozen things right now and I don’t know why. Normally I would be unpacked already, even with my busy schedule. I can’t seem to force myself to do it. I don’t know where the block is coming from. I haven’t sat down and made a budget. I haven’t started looking for a contractor. I haven’t dealt with my car. Just the thought of what I need to do makes me want to break down in tears.

I need to find some vicodin before my next tat appointment. Uhm… anyone?

Is it unreasonable for me to hide in my room and cry all day just out of anxiety and frustration? I don’t want to do all the things I need to do. I don’t want to think about having do deal with all of the people I have to deal with. I’m really tired of thinking about the people. Why can’t I just declare that I don’t like someone and not deal with them? Oh yeah. Social groups don’t work that way. *sigh*

Group work sucks ass.

I hate group work. Two people didn’t show up until three hours late. We have a six page script–I wrote four pages of it. They wanted me to write the paper as well and I told them that if I wrote the paper then I was informing the teacher that we dropped two people from the group and they had better figure out some way to turn something in on their own by Wednesday.


But I did find out that one of the (considerate) chicks in my group is also a raging pervert. We have plans to go to BaGG together soon. 🙂


The next hippy-bitch who tells me that I should relish my period because it connects me with the flow of life?

Yeah. I’m going to break your fucking nose you god damn moron.


I hate my body today. And I hate that my uterus is trying to climb through my gut.

good lord

Today is PMS day. Today is, “I will rip your fucking head off if I don’t like the look on your face day.” Just saying. I was thinking about sOakland, but given how fucking nasty I am being… not a good plan.

Therapy was good. Yesterday was good in general. There is something on my mind that is freaking me out, but there is nothing to do about it but face it.

la la la

I hate the whole fucking world…. la la lala I hate my body la la la la. I HURTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. No la la la. Mother fucking uterus.

Ok, maybe I don’t hate you. Maybe.

Oh yeah

And I forgot to mention that when we got home late last night it was to a note on our door from PG&E. There was some sort of power fluctuation and if they fried any of our electronics, please call them and order a claim form.

FUCK. Our modem is toast. Our phones are toast. The microwave that I bought on THURSDAY. The answering machine.

Apparently everything that wasn’t plugged in via a power strip. Mother Fucker.

A new modem is going to be ~ $100. I want to cry.


And that is a deadpan, non-emotive woof. I am freakin exhausted. I slept for a couple of hours tonight and I still hurt from exhaustion. I actually got an almost-normal amount of sleep this weekend so I’m not completely sure why I am this tired.

I had quite the weekend. I went down to Santa Cruz with my nephew for the beach burn. During the weekend he did something stupid (he is 15 after all) and I said, “Good going genius.” For the rest of the weekend everyone there called him Genius and it was put on his name tag. He told me he likes it and wants it to stick as his nickname. Odd boy. He was surprised at my ability to track exactly how much alcohol and pot he did over the weekend. I kept telling him, “Dude–these are my friends. Of course they will rat on you.” He stayed at a moderate level though and given that his mother is ok with him using both substances, I kept my mouth shut. I did ask him to stop mid-way through Friday night because I felt he was at the limit of what he should do in a night and he stuck with my recommendation. I was glad. It was interesting taking him down there because he got to see examples of people who use responsibly and people who use irresponsibly and it was kind of cool to see the dichotomy up close. He also handled the sexual innuendo pretty well and told me that the party will be a whole lot more fun when he is over 18 and the girls don’t avoid him like the plague. I can see that….

I learned some lessons this weekend that I have learned before so I feel like a schmuck for not having actually absorbed them before. I don’t like loud, large, anonymous parties. I just don’t. I don’t have fun; I don’t feel safe; I don’t relax. So why do I go to them? I think I believe that they should be fun, or maybe I believe that since I am so much of an extrovert that I must like large parties… right? Well I just don’t. I hate them. And loud music makes my stomach hurt and I get grumpy. I need to not go to them anymore. It isn’t that I am a stick-in-the-mud, I just prefer smaller gatherings.

Puppy and I had a couple of blow-ups and two long and hard discussions. There are things in this relationship that are very hard for me. We really do have trouble communicating. He pointed out that a big part of our problem is that we are too much alike. We are both extremely sensitive and emotional. We both take teasing too seriously and get upset and we both feed off of one another’s upset. ugh. It is like he is a cross between Noah and Tom. He has many of the qualities that I loved so much about Tom, but he wants to process… a lot… Yeah. That is straight up Noah territory. Ostensibly this should be the best of both worlds… if we can figure one another out… I’m scared because I want to run more than I have wanted to run in a very long time. This relationship is absolutely terrifying to me on a basic level and I can’t entirely figure out why.


In discussion this morning I realized the brilliance of something that has been said to me:

“Are you angry at me, or near me?”

This is a brilliant thing to say because I have a horrible habit of just being a nasty, snappy bitch in general when I am angry. If I am angry about something about school and you are standing near me I am likely to nearly bite your head off. It isn’t pleasant. It is something I try to control, but I’m still not always good at it. So… if you ever feel like I am being mean to you unfairly, asking me this question will make me realize what I’m doing. I will probably apologize profusely and back the hell off.

enh. Just a psa. 🙂

(I really love this picture.)