So a while back Noah and I uhhh took advantage of Shanna being the life of the party and we snuck off to the bathroom for a few minutes. No one could hear us, we didn’t leave a mess, and no one needed the bathroom in the time we monopolized it. The house owner saw us leave the bathroom together and was rather upset. Fair enough. Noah and I have talked about it a fair bit and given our personal value systems we don’t really have any issue with the idea of someone doing the same thing at our house and we are curious how widespread in our overall social group our opinion is. Thus, a poll:
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Tag Archives: poll
Periodically I have filthy dreams about my friends. They are usually a whole lot of fun. I wonder about the etiquette about telling people about them. So a poll:
Planning ahead
Second try, now with correct dates.
My mom is already pressuring me to plan Shanna’s first birthday party. I’m trying to figure out dates. Miss Jenny, Miss Laura, and Noah all have birthdays within a week or so of Shanna’s so we are thinking about a joint party cause sure why not. It gives us an excuse for having a wider array of cake! So I’m going to do a date poll. Heavier weight will be given to the opinions of shared-celebration folks.
My mother hand copied all of our family recipes into a cookbook for me. I think this is awesome and spiffy and I am incredibly grateful. You know that perfect cursive that was above the chalkboard in third grade? My mother writes like that. It’s incredible. Her handwriting is a joy to read. And tomorrow (Thursday), along with Miss Laura, I get to start baking! I’m so thrilled. So you all get a poll!
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{dirty} What is sex?
I’m curious how people define sex. Or rather, what people think about specific sex acts. So I made a poll. (It’s the easiest way to get feedback cause ya’ll are lazy.) Some of the questions are radio, some are checkbox because on the radio ones I think you only get to pick one answer, damnit. I reference you “list” a bit not because I think everyone actually keeps a list of who they have sex with but more because if you were going to write down for posterity who you have had sex with, would this person make the cut? Feel free to elaborate in comments.
I’m uhm, kind of strange. I have always liked sending food off with my SO such that he can share it with people at work. I have had some interesting mixed reactions over time. So, what would ya’ll think of it? If you want to, explain your answer in comments.
Mmmm sex poll
Of course this comes out of a conversation Noah and I were having. It would be lovely if ya’ll proved me right again.
Periodic filter update
{Edit} Leave a comment if you update your filter interests elsewise I won’t come check to see what you want to be seeing!! (This was a while ago and all.)
I have many filters. Most are at my discretion, but there are a few that are opt-in. Every so often I decide to ask people if they actually want to see these entries and seeing as there have been a few stalkers g-blog people adding in I thought I would let them get more of a choice than they usually get. Everyone else can feel free to answer if you want to or ignore if you choose.
(That last part is a ‘duh’ but it makes me feel powerful to say it.)
clicky clicky
And a poll…
Just cause.
Sluttery information
As I am trying to get my thoughts in order I thought I would ask ya’ll some questions. This is one of those times when I want as much feedback as I can get. Given the nature of polls, it is hard to get nuanced answers so I encourage, nay beg! you all to comment with your individual perspectives and opinions.