Tag Archives: sex


I seem to be feeling better lately about play and sex cause I am sure as hell jumping back on the horse. Within the past 8 days I have:

Had sex with two people for a total of ~6 go rounds. (One night it is kind of fuzzy just how many times…)
Bottomed once.
Topped twice.
The median length of time I have known these people has been 2.175 years. 🙂

My ass is many many colors. I have a bruise bigger than my fist. That has got to be the best spanking I have ever received. He spanked me for over an hour. It was fucking awesome. Just spanking! Hard, rhythmic, yummy…

I’m pretty happy about the fact that I am playing with people that I have known for a long time and that I feel comfortable with. I think if I were jumping into playing with new-to-me people it would be harder and scarier.

And why the fuck am I not going to NY now. God damnit!


Puppy is discovering something. Frankly, that he is just discovering it means he is pretty slow.

I am happier when I am having sex basically every day. The first piece of this is: that means I am in the mood every day. Me being in the mood for sex means that I am feeling up, happy, and much more secure. When I manage to shut my sex drive off, which I can do with conscious effort, I am more depressed, less bouncy, and generally just not “up.” And then there is the benefit of: having sex makes the brain produce all sorts of yummy chemicals which encourage me to feel good generally.

Puppy has made it very clear in our relationship that my sex drive is much higher than his. At times, he expresses this lovingly and just tells me not now. Other times though he gets frustrated with me and has gotten somewhat mean about it once or twice. I get the general impression he will never be mean about it again.

Combined with my last period (he thinks sex during that time of the month is gross) and just generally feeling kind of frustrated I decided to turn it off. That means that in the last week or so, we haven’t been very active. And I have not initiated at all in any way. He has noticed the general drop in my mood and commented on it. He also made note of my off/on switch and thinks it isn’t a good thing. Wednesday night we had a long talk about it after he tried to initiate sex and I did the equivalent of “can’t get it up” and he said that he hasn’t meant to complain about my sex drive nearly as much as I have heard it and really… he would like it to come back…

So I spent some time yesterday masturbating and reading porn and getting myself back into my normal “yayyyy sex” mode. Last night we had some fun. And this morning when I initiated, he took one for the team and put out again knowing that there will be sex tonight too. Twice a day is hard for him and most of the time he isn’t willing. I think he decided that rewarding me for doing what he wanted (turning it back on) was a good thing. I do know that twice in one day is still going to be a once a month or less thing. But it’s awfully fun when I get it.

So uhm… yeah…

EDIT: Bry and Sarah have earned my everlasting devotion. They had it anyway, but they get extra props now. 🙂

Lots of people have asked me what I would like them to bring. My answer is typically: you, yourself, and anything you think you would like to have.

But uhm… I woke up this morning with a craving…

A blended vanilla creme from Starbuck’s. They are freakin good. This is one of those NO COFFEE drinks. I don’t drink coffee.

I will love someone forever. Ok, so I’m going to love my friends anyway, but if someone has a hankering to spoil me I would be very grateful.

(In other news: I am likely to be in a really good mood all day despite being very tired. I have had sex not once, not twice, not three times, but four times in the last 24 hours. I’m really sore, but happy. Looks like Puppy just needs the right encouragement. [Me crying cause I feel rejected and unhappy and I get all antsy and pissy sans sex.])

Still happy…

I went to Davis. I felt fine before I got there. Then I got there. Then I started feeling crappy. I think I am allergic to Davis. I haven’t managed to shake the icki nose and coughing bit. 🙁

However, the party there was worth the small bit of suffering! Yummy people all around!! I like it when someone hears their partner having sex and that inspires them to want to have sex, and I am just so convenient! (ok, it wasn’t actually that I was convenient, I think I was the designated person for the night) and then! When we have sex… it inspires them to have sex again!! It is the most awesome thing in the world when that happens because the person I was having sex with seems to be conditioned to come when he hears his partner having sex! (I’ve never before had someone I was having sex with be triggered by someone who wasn’t involved. That was really amazing.)

I really like stumbling into hot couples/triads and getting to benefit from the supreme yumminess of all the people involved. And there were two such groupings at this party!!! I really have to say: my life doesn’t suck. I may not be having sex as often as I might prefer, but when I do it is with some really freakin amazing people. I’m actually pretty happy with how people are staying in my life and being repeats and I’m building relationships. I certainly seem to be building quite a network. yay. I love my friends. (I do seem to be finding a lot of couples/triads lately to spend time with. This is quite the trend. I wonder what this says about my current need for stability?)

Then I had a good date with Duck Boy. Target sucks. Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are good movies. He really wants Macaroni and Cheese for dinner when I make vegetable stir fry and gyoza and spring rolls. Odd boy.