Tag Archives: sick

What I can do

I have a doctors appt for 8am the day that my insurance comes into effect. The medical center is even near my house. I am setting up sub plans so that I don’t have to come in at all tomorrow.

This is at least somewhat responsible.

I am still so freakin sick it isn’t funny. Because I am repeating myself a lot during the day (the same damn class four times) I will trail off in the middle of a sentence and ask if I have already said that. I feel bad for the kids. 🙁 I’m *so* happy they have all been working hard today. I haven’t had to do more than remind them a little to not interrupt others while they are working. It’s great.

Eating is not super fun cause my throat hurts so I am mostly eating over ripe fruit and drinking juice. The pad see ewe I had for breakfast was even a bit of a stretch cause the broccoli was kind of owie. It was SO DAMN TASTY though. Totally worth suffering for. I want to leave school basically as soon as 7th period is over and go home and lie down. My shoulders don’t hurt as much by neck is hurting more and more by the quarter hour. This totally blows.


Starting Sunday night I have had blinding headaches every night. The kind where I lie still and try not to breath. I’ve tried migraine meds and one kind helped the first night but the other kinds haven’t done much.

Today I noticed that the blinding headache is concentrating further south. My neck and throat are very swollen and painful. I’m starting to have trouble talking and swallowing. I feel like I have a noticeable fever. I don’t have health insurance until Friday. One of the other teachers on campus told me to take the next two days off, but I don’t feel like that would be responsible. And besides–the irony of me skipping school because I am sick when I wouldn’t skip for Burning Man is funny. (I know I know. Health thing versus going to play… but still.)

I think this is the third time in my life when I have cancelled something big and major only to get very sick right before I was supposed to start doing whatever it is. Intuition maybe?

For the record

The boys have come to the conclusion that I’m not reacting to alcohol I am just sick. I threw up four times today, the last time I had only had green tea flavored water. I’m just sick. I did manage to keep some soup down this evening but moving around still causes my stomach to hurt enough that I am calling in sick to work tomorrow.

I didn’t do that much partying last night. I had three drinks over the course of about three hours. Although last night that was enough to make me black out portions of the evening and catch my hair on fire. I don’t want to talk about it. I feel like a total fucking idiot and for the life of me I don’t understand why Google Boy was willing to come take care of me today after I made such a horse’s ass of myself. *bang head against wall*

I am sick. I feel really awful. I would want to cry, but the boys in my life have babied me so much today that even that doesn’t seem necessary. They traded off taking care of me this evening and had a lovely little chat over my prone form. I really like both of them. I am so lucky.


and not mentally.

I feel awful. My sinuses are getting worse and worse. My throat hurts. My head hurts. My stomach is becoming very very cranky. My uhhh lower functions are not going well.

This is when I hate living alone. I think I’m bailing on class tonight.

My throat hurts and what I did yesterday

I wanted to go back to Fezzi’s and help out today because they are terribly short staffed, but my throat has picked today to give out on me. This sucks in terms of helping Fezzi’s because it is far more important that I rest my throat so that I can work this week. It is better for my ability to get the work done today that I wanted to get done though. A mixed bag of results I suppose.

Yesterday was interesting. I was incredibly productive first thing in the morning and then I went to a friend’s house because she is moving and getting rid of a bunch of stuff. At her house I acquired enough knitting stuff to satisfy the Christmas wish that I had and then some. She also gave me a freak load of candles, which I appreciate cause I am getting into them in a big way again. Then I went to Noah’s ex-girlfriend’s garage sale. (It has been interesting meeting her in general. It is solidifying some of what I know/believe about Noah.) She is getting rid of basically everything she owns because she is going to be living in Japan and will have no room for it. I got a bunch of clothes, some movies, and a bread machine for $33. Dude. I have always wanted a bread machine…. 🙂 The back of my car is stuffed to the gills and I didn’t have the energy to unload it last night.

Cause after the garage sale I went up to Dicken’s and spent around six hours there. I watched shows and danced and talked to people that I like and miss. It was weird being there. I felt like I belonged there and yet like an outsider. I miss working a great deal. Thus I offered to come help and work today, but that is not to be. 🙁

Then I went to my sister’s party. I felt like a judgmental, uptight prig. Apparently she has tossed the concept of “sober” to the winds and I wasn’t actually aware of that. They all got high and sat around drinking while bitching about their dead-end, mindless jobs. I was really glad that I had a friend show up. What in the hell am I going to talk to them about? The pressure of grad school and having a job that demands so much time and energy that I am about to drop from exhaustion when they are bitching about not being allowed to work remotely so that they can actually not work instead of having to mask their not-working in the office? Uhm, yeah. Not exactly the brightest lightbulbs in the box. And my cousins were there with a bunch of their friends and I have no respect for any of them. The one who is doing ok and is somewhat successful is now an assistant manager at Burlington Coat Factory. The other two don’t manage to hold a retail job for very long without getting fired. All of the girls in the group looked like they starve themselves in order to not get fat. It was kind of gross watching the guys chow down and the girls were standing off to the side staring at the food with longing. I didn’t have anything to drink and I don’t really like pot much anyway so I skipped that. It was mindless escapism and I don’t want to do that. My day-to-day life is not something I need to run away from. It is a crazy amount of work and pressure, but I am happy with what I have worked for and achieved. One of the adults there was the father of my cousin’s boyfriend and his other daughter was there as well. He was talking about his prison time and how his third wife is 28 right now. He is 42. He bragged about how he may have to get older but he doesn’t have to grow up. I am a judgmental bitch and I thought he was pretty pathetic. In fact, I think I should avoid my sister’s events in the future because I don’t really contribute positively to the environment…