Tag Archives: slacking

Slacking will commence

I have decided that I will be staying home on Friday. I haven’t had a single day completely off of work in almost 6 weeks. Every day I at least grade papers or lesson plan. I need a break. This isn’t optional anymore.

On Thursday I am having dinner with a lovely lady who asked me to spend some time with her last weekend and I wasn’t available. Her invitation came after a few hours of feeling miserably lonely and like no one cared about seeing me unless I made all of the effort. The timing was so incredibly wonderful. All of a sudden I felt like someone really liked me and I really needed that. Thank you.

So this weekend on Friday I will stay home and get all of the furniture out of my house that Noah and I no longer want to keep. I will be moving it into the driveway and then posting an ad on Craigslist saying first come first served. I just want it gone. I am going to do the legwork for getting rid of the truck. I am going to hopefully get to the stage of arrange for someone to come and get it. I am going to fill out the last of the paperwork for changing my name and send it in. I am going to go to the DMV and deal with all of that mess (HOV stickers and changing my drivers license).

I have invited some friends over for dinner, invitation is pending waiting on their schedule. It would be really nice to see them because I haven’t gotten much social time in a while. I need snuggles. But if they need time at home that is very understandable as I have needed a lot of that time lately myself.

Saturday I am going to slack like mad during the day. Then I am going to a friend’s birthday bbq for some awesome snuggles. I will do *no* work.

Sunday I am going to slack all day. Maybe… watch a movie. Eat some Devon Cream and jam on tasty bread with my gorgeous husband. I will do *no* work.

This weekend I will be reminded that I have the best friends and the best husband ever. And I will revel in every minute of it.