I think I have nailed my perfect dirty whore profile on okcupid. I'm proud of myself. That's what I want it. It'll appear. I just know it.
Patience is not my strong suit. Ha.
Justine, if you want to look. I think it's perfect. Feedback?
I think I have nailed my perfect dirty whore profile on okcupid. I'm proud of myself. That's what I want it. It'll appear. I just know it.
Patience is not my strong suit. Ha.
Justine, if you want to look. I think it's perfect. Feedback?
12/8: first date. okcupid person. excellent long emails. we've been conversing for a couple of weeks.
12/9: spending time with a friend followed by a hot date at a womens bdsm party. I win.
12/12: first date with person I know through mutual friends. This may be the most intimidating thing on the agenda.
12/15: first date. okcupid person. few messages but his profile sounds like he may be exactly what I wanted for a one-night stand.
I uhhh probably shouldn't go out on another date before Christmas. I didn't mean for them to all get bunched up like this. Goodness.
Oh man. I totally got laid last night. More than once. By more than one person. It felt really really really good. It has been a long time since I’ve been that kind of frisky. I really miss that kind of sex. What kind of sex you might ask (if you are a nosy bastard like me that is)…
Oh man. I went and had the kind of night where I had to remember how to signal, “Hey! I am interested in SEX!” I didn’t go to the sort of event where you are supposed to pick someone up immediately, but that doesn’t seem to stop me. It’s easy to pick someone up if you show up knowing they are interested. And if you know someone is interested it’s a lot easier to feel interesting and broadcast the kind of signals that say, “I’m interesting. You should come talk to me.”
I’m going back and forth about how much disclosure is appropriate. I live my life very publicly, but I don’t cause drama. Sex is one of those things that people get upset about. But it was really good sex. The kind where you show up saying, “I remember you being very very good at fucking me and it’s been a long time since I have had sex as good as that.” Then I kind of rub legs for a while. Then you get to the part where I explain, “All your standard cheesy lines should just go away. Because they are delaying us having sex. I could happily go do that right now.” We didn’t. We waited an hour.
It’s hard walking the tightrope of aggressive sex that isn’t painful. It’s really nice to find men who are up to the job. I’m at a spot right now where I am not interested in painful sex. I kind of have enough pain in my life. Even though I don’t want to be bitten hard, even though I don’t want to be hit, even though I don’t want to be pinched… I still want to have sex move very quickly through the steps (sometimes) because oh my god I love the feeling of someone wanting to fuck me right now. I miss knowing that someone is overwhelmed with the desire to fuck me really hard.
It’s kind of hard to find the time and space to be overwhelmed by sex as a parent. You can’t ever get too into the sex because at any second one of the little… people… are going to wake up again. Ugh. But last night I went out! There were no little kids to worry about. And I was fucked gloriously.
I missed this.
Quite a while back Noah and I discussed what sorts of things should change about our lives when it comes to having children. As it turns out, we both feel pretty strongly that it would not be a good idea to have outside “relationships” while breeding and raising young’uns. Yes, there is the issue of potential disease risk, but mostly there is the little matter of heavily nesting and wanting to direct that sort of energy towards our family and our future. We both have a tendency towards “Ooh! Shiny!” and that isn’t a good thing to be doing while we should be spending our energy on other things. At this point we are quite firmly into the, “Kid could happen at any point. No really. Any.Day.Now. Ovulate already you stupid ovary!!!!” Heh.
What this means for us is that we are not polyamorous. We are not pursuing outside relationships as they take away energy and time that we want to keep between us. This brings us to the fact that we live in a binary society–if we aren’t polyamorous, we’re monogamous–right? Well, mostly. There will be no baby making sex any year soon as that is something we think would be a very Bad Idea to do while trying to breed. Paternity issues and disease risk just aren’t things we feel are worth the neato-ness of outside sex. Being us, we still really really like the idea of flirting and *some* sexual contact with other people. I suppose this means that we aren’t 100% completely and totally monogamous as oral sex does count as sex. But we also feel like such potential foreys into playing with other people should be done together and very rare. In fact, it isn’t for certain that this will happen and it will be all talked about and stuff and evaluated on a case by case basis of “how much drama could this person potential add into our lives.”
So yeah. That’s what “not really available” means for us. At least until last kid is a year or more old. Of course I still like talking about sex, pretty much constantly. Please please don’t take this as a sign of “I want to have sex with you.”
Your Ultimate Purity Test 2.0 Score Is… | ||||
Your Score: | Average For All Users | Average For All Sluttily Opportunistic Human Liberal Married Pink-Skinned 22 to 28-Year old Females (17 total) |
Dating | 0% | 34.26% | 11.99% | Gone steady |
Self-Lovin’ | 10.61% | 61.19% | 34.58% | I wouldn’t shake hands, if I were you |
Shamelessness | 24.19% | 77.52% | 43.26% | For Christ’s sake, put your clothes on! |
Sex Drive | 21.43% | 75.21% | 42.44% | Humps fire hydrants when nobody’s looking |
Straightness | 0% | 39.6% | 4.9% | Knows the other body type like a map |
Gayness | 0% | 78.46% | 25.6% | Makes Dr. Frank-n-Furter look tame |
Dominant | 16.67% | 86.92% | 60.49% | Master of everyone’s domain |
Submissive | 9.52% | 87.29% | 55.18% | Feels uncomfortable without manacles on |
Fucking Sick | 44.9% | 89.98% | 67.53% | Don’t look in the basement |
Total Score | 17.49% | 73.96% | 42.83% | |
Take The Ultimate Purity Test 2.0 and see how you match up! (By The Ferrett) |
Of course this comes out of a conversation Noah and I were having. It would be lovely if ya’ll proved me right again.
We went to a sex party recently. We settled in to playing right next to a really hot couple. I’m now sorta flirting with the boy of that couple on tribe. Sorta flirting because most of it is about how us having sex near one another (not with) again would be massively hot.
I really really liked watching them have sex. I’m glad they enjoyed being watched and may let me do it again! *giggle*
(Re: headache. Ibuprofen is the best invention of our time.)
I kind of want to give a full, dirty, explicit description of what happened, but I’m tired. I got very little sleep. What I will say that this holiday season (I’m pretending that November is not part of the holiday season) was by far the raunchiest two weeks I’ve ever had. A terribly successful foursome was had. Much sex in public. All kinds of depraved things in the privacy of my bedroom including my first ever real live two boys in the lower bits sex.
I’m sore.
He asked people to tell about a funny related to sex story. My story won’t be as funny as his, but it makes me giggle.
In the not too distant past when I was coasting back into the community after my hiatus while dating Puppy I was entertaining the idea of sleeping with lots of different people. I hadn’t done that much of it yet, I was still trying to decide who my next few conquests would be. Planning these things out is a good idea. There is a fellow in my local area who thinks Quite Highly of himself and he seemed to be deciding that I would soon be in his thrall. Near as I can tell, his MO is to push girls into having huge crushes and then string them on for quite a while. He only rarely actually sleeps with anyone. Ok, fair enough. I realized what he was doing after a month or so and decided I would *not* be one of his faithful groupies hoping for a look or some action.
The next time I saw him, after deciding to fuck with him, we started doing the hot and heavy making out thing we had been doing and just as things started to get very feverish and he was likely to pull away soon I pushed him off of me and said, “Enh–you aren’t going to follow through so I am done for now. Thanks!” I turned and walked away. About 15 feet away I turned to look at him. His mouth was hanging open in shock. He looked dumbfounded that someone had played his game on him. I laughed and kept going.
This game kept going pretty much until I stopped this last phase of slutting around. He kept trying and trying and trying to get me to be more engaged and fall for him and I just wouldn’t. That was fun.
[side note: I was in a craptastic mood this morning but a few hours of sex and all of a sudden I’m in a great mood!]
Noah and I are going up to the Power Exchange tonight. It’s a fun and raunchy sort of experience. It isn’t everyone’s taste, but I think it can be very hot. Yay for raunchy!
“I’m the kind of fun you usually have to pay for.”
Here are the rules:
Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write ablog with six random facts about yourself. In the end you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names.
Damn you barelyproper!! (I’m so running out of random facts. I have already done these memes too many times. This had to get shuffled to my dirtiest filter)
I was looking at my archive and wondered what I posted four times in one day a while back and came across http://rightkindofme.livejournal.com/253208.html so I reread the responses.
There are a few of you out there… Dear god ya’ll are HOT. Must go… uhm… yeah. That.
(If anyone wants me to remind you what you said… I’ll respond to your comment so it gets sent back to you.)
On the net today there is a picture of me. The caption says:
“There are some people who wear T-shirts saying “Fight Censorship” andother people who take off their clothes in public, and refuse to putband aids over their nipples when asked to.”
I didn’t have the t-shirt on.
We had a great Dore Alley
She talks at about 300 words per minute. She often moves at the same basic speed. And when she is busy talking in a bizarre mix of Chinese (Mandarin) and English it is even more spastic.
She is one of my oldest and dearest friends. She is wonderful. A bigger pain in the ass I have never met–she outstrips japlady any day of the week and twice on Sunday for driving me crazy. It’s great. And she blows through town once or twice a year and expects me to drop any and everything I am doing to see her, and I always do.
Right now she is deciding which of my boys she is going to borrow tonight. I think she is the only female I have ever met who is on par for my sexual voracity and openness. We compare numbers and lists of boys the way some of my friends compare book titles. It’s fun. I have given her dozens of recommendations on each boy. We are waiting until they get home before she actually decides which she is going to borrow tonight. How often does one get to do something like this? Hell, I’m secretly hoping we find out the capacity of our bed. She’s a lot of fun.
Edit about 20 minutes later: more reason to love Debbie.
“You know what? Why bother picking one? Why don’t we all just swing?”
Once again this month I am heading up to Naughty. The theme is white weddings and the organizer, a fabulous man called Random, has asked me to marry him. I am simply tickled pink. Or white, or something like that. I would really *love* if lots of people came to this fabulous party. It really is one of my favorites in the bay area and the more the merrier.
The theme is weddings so such clothing is encouraged but NOT REQUIRED. Please don’t skip the event because you don’t want to wear something formal-ish.
Come on ya’ll you know you want to be there. Some info from the website:
What is it about weddings? All innocent and societally endorsed on the outside, but there’s definitely a creamy filling of lust and wickedness at its core.
Ever been to a bachelor party? At just about every bachelor party I’ve ever been to I found that the groom-to-be had an almost magnetic pull on all of the women wherever we went. And the bride? There’s something about that crisp, white purity and the knowledge that, later that night, she was going to be giving it up that made her incredibly desirable.
So here now is your chance. Wanna be the bride? Wanna be the groom? Wanna be the bridesmaid or groomsmen hooking up with each other or perhaps even the bride and groom themselves? Or do you want to just throw rice. Whatever way you want to go with it it’s gonna be a fun ride. We’ll start with a bachelor/bachelorette party for the first hour or two, then a wedding or three in our Vegas Elvis chapel, then the honeymoon period, followed of course by inevitable temptation, straying from the nest, angry recriminations and revenge schtupping, and the inevitable no-fault divorce at the end of the evening!
I am planning to have a lovely time and I think my friends would only add to the wonderous fun of the evening. So please, do come to my wedding.
In addition to going to TESfest and performing with the hottest Bridgett ever I was asked last night to move my flight dates up a few days and perform at the Exotic Erotic Ball in NYC the weekend before the con.
Oh I forsee much hotness in NY this summer… meow
I have work to do, but this entry is buzzing around in my brain and maybe if I get it out I will be able to do some work.
On Saturday I went to Naughty. Whether this entry is porn or just me talking about my life is something that you must decide for yourself.
Noah and I are going to this event on Saturday. Our tickets allow us to bring one person for free who has never been to the event before. If you are interested you need to write me something dirty telling me why I should take you with us.
Comments screened.
(Oh for those who don’t like links so much: the event is Naughty. The theme is threesomes. Naughty is a way fun party, probably one of my favorites here in the bay area. A while ago I wrote this about it on tribe when someone asked how Naughty compares to Black Sheets:
“Naughty is never going to take the place of Black Sheets. The vibes are simply too different. Most of the BS people want to show up, get naked, and spend the whole time being more free love-ish. Naughty appreciates the ‘dirty’ part about sex in public. At BS I always felt like I was a free love sort of hippy chick just enjoying the “vibe.” At Naughty I got to be a nasty, filthy little slut who couldn’t control herself in public who will let some guy (ok I know him and think he is fucking hot and wonderful) tell me to go lick his girlfriend out because he wanted to watch. I just didn’t have that happen at BS…”
You know this sounds hot…)