Tag Archives: to do

Evil speaketh its name

And it is… Procrastination.

I swear to god I have made a lot of progress today. It’s just not super easy to see because I am a dork and I get stuck in small details. *sigh* I went over to Ikea today looking for a few specific things and then realized that I didn’t know what sizes/colors I needed so the trip was kind of silly. But I wandered around and got ideas. Then I went to Target for big plastic containers. I didn’t buy too many because I wasn’t sure how things were going to shake out. I came home and realized I need a bunch more. S’ok. Buying more is easier than returning stuff I don’t need.

Cleaning house is a pain when I don’t want to do much with Noah’s stuff without him around. I don’t yet actually feel comfortable just going through his stuff without him present. I’m sure I’ll get over it. 🙂 But at Target, in honor of telling Noah that I would actually marry him (so far I’ve been saying maybe) I bought a wedding organizer and promptly almost had a panic attack. Jesus Christ. Am I actually doing this?! Looks like I am. Alright. Suck it up and get through it. (For the record: the scary part is the wedding, I’m looking forward to being married.) So now I am procrastinating mightily because I just pissed off my back by trying to move the monstrous filing cabinet without help. Sometimes my impatience is counter productive.

Things to deal with in the next few months:
Start actual wedding plans.
Remodel the house.
Put together at least two more unit plans before the start of school so that I walk in with a full year plan for juniors and a good start on… whatever else they give me. (WHOO HOOO! Just checked work email. I have three classes of Juniors and two classes of comp/lit. They are the low performing/behavior problem kids. I’m really excited! No really–I asked for them. 🙂
Get ready for Burning Man.
Am I helping organize TNG4?! Scary thought. It’s been brought up and discussions are starting… that will be decided in the next month probably.
Oh dear lord. I think that is going to be enough to eat my brain for the next year. Good thing I’m plucky!

(Travel stuff coming soon… I swear.)

Busy busy busy

The last couple weeks have involved many a deviation from my plans, but such is life.

I now own a really spiffy Prius. Yay! I walked onto a lot and said, “I want!” And he went and got it for me. How cool is that? No waiting for me.
I moved in with Noah. It happened faster than we planned, but my life works like that. I now get the daunting task of making this house somewhere I am happy living. 🙂 I forsee lots of painting and fixing up in my future. Not till July though. It has to wait until after New York.
Oh, I leave for New York in seven days. *squeel*

Today I need to:
Unpack more and start getting settled.
Get the last load from my apartment.
Turn in my keys.
Have dinner with a friend.
Stress over weird drama with a boy I’m having a date with on Friday. (Ok, I don’t need to do this–but I will.)
Oh, and I need to go see the jeweler to see if I like the mock up of the ring. You know–the ring.


In order to do what I have to do, I sometimes am not capable of doing all that I would like to do. And further: even some of what I have to do I am going to let slide for another time. I have the lesson for tomorrow done. Jesus it took hours. Tomorrow will be yet more review and games. *sigh* They are not going to be doing the test while I am gone. They aren’t ready. Instead–back to back writers workshop. It will be a break for them and easy for my sub. I’m ok with that. Then when we come back we need to finish up grammar. Woof. I am the only teacher in my department who can rattle of what a participle or a gerund is and gosh-darn-it… my students will be able to do so as well. They are SO CLOSE.

Lesson planning vague basic outline:
Wednesday- final presentation and go over the homework (ha) exercises and start working on diagraming sentences. They will get the basics of the concept tomorrow.
Thursday- play games and diagram some more. Show them how the different parts of speech really work together.
Friday- WW
Monday- WW
Wednesday- come back to YET MORE DIAGRAMMING. Oy. They will need this much practice. It’s sad. I need to find some more games for them. Any tips?
Thursday- maybe the test?
Friday- move on to poetry.

Tomorrow I have to:
pack, finish lesson plans for when I will be gone, clean cat box, deal with school stuff, take a bath. All of that is going to take way too long. *sigh*

To do list

Cause I’m one of those people who work best if I am held accountable. 🙂

Today I would like to:
pick up all the clutter around my apartment.
do all of the homework due this week.
Take a bath.

That is probably all I have time to do in the next 4 hours. And I’m hoping I get through it all. *cross fingers*

This week:
Scrub the bathroom from ceiling (if you work down the drips matter less).
Clean my kitchen from top to bottom.
Buy an ink cartridge so that I can freakin print at home.
Go through fabric stuff and figure out what I need to buy in order to get started on faire stuff. I need: two skirts, bloomers, and a bodice. I can do it. Damnit. I WILL learn how to sew.
Figure out all the stuff I am going to do in the grammar unit for the kiddos. I would like to have that finalized before I go back to school.
Cook something interesting just to prove that I can.
Me time. 🙂
Create multiple music playlists for different moods so I don’t have to sit here thinking about it so often.
Read through a novel and take notes for the comp exams.
Read at least one psych book on sexual assault recovery and start figuring out a syllabus for the class I want to teach.
Figure out how to write about the stuff on my mind about being perceived as a slut.

I think that is all I know about right now. 🙂