So I called my mom and my sister this morning. They have both agreed that it is a good idea for the three of us to sit down with a conflict mediator and get through some of the elephants in the room. I’m more than a little surprised that they both agreed to it. My sister agreed with alacrity and cheer–that was even more shocking. We had a really nice half hour conversation around wanting to deal with stuff. My mom was less immediately interested, but still willing. This is so awesome.
Now I need to find a conflict mediator of some sort for the three of us to talk to. Does anyone have any idea how I would go about finding someone for this? A therapist would probably be decent as well, but I think that someone who is just there to say things like, “So it sounds like you are getting defensive and I don’t think that was meant as an attack” would be awesome. All three of us are oversensitive to feeling attacked and that is part of why things blow up so regularly.
Any suggestions?